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Library Security Final

Essay Instructions:

The student will design a comprehensive Security Plan for a local public library. If the library is contained within another building or structure, then the Security Plan should address the structure in general, and the library in particular as the security target.

Include an introductory section that explains the purpose of the paper; provides brief summary of the facility being reviewed; and details the crime prevention and security measures currently in place.

Include your overview of security issues that will be addressed in your security plan

Paper should be a minimum of eight (8) FULL pages of narrative text

Include (upload) a minimum of 4 photographs or sketches capturing security concerns and references in the Security Plan

References must include the text and at least three (3) external scholarly sources (not course instructional material)

Double space, 12 pt. font, 1” margins

Use American Psychology Association (APA) content citation format for all sources

Include a reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in page count)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Library security
Student name:
A library’s collection is a rare resource of great value to the entire community. Students, scholars and the general public rely on libraries for information as well as entertainment. It is very important therefore that the library be well organized for easy tracing of items needed. In the recent past, libraries have stocked a wide range of items and materials including books, magazines, costly DVDs and CDs. Consequently, there is dire need for effective security systems to be put in place to mitigate the risks of permanent and temporary loss of the se expensive materials. Unavailability of items in the libraries can be a strong indication of unreliability and it is worse if the items have gotten lost due to lack of adequate security. This paper discusses a detailed security plan that suits any local library. The security plan includes the environmental design, emergency and fire protection, physical barriers, security staff, electronics and alarms system.
First and foremost, the in charge of a library plays the most important role in securing the facility. The duties and responsibilities of the director should clearly indicate the intention and effort to secure the library. The director should ensure that all staff is physically secure. The building, immediate surroundings and the library contents are secure. This involves developing and integrating protection systems for emergency, earthquake, flood, fire and other disasters of nature. He/she must ensure every member of library staff is well informed and instructed of their obligations as far as security and safety is concerned, Moore (2010). There should be structural procedures to minimize damage and loss of collections, equipment and furniture. .
The director is responsible for development and integration of asset protection policy to address size and nature of the library, emergency and fire protection, physical barrier protection, key and lock protection, parcel control and personal access protection, electronics and security alarm protection and finally environmental design to prevent crime. There should be frequent auditing for library assets and the protection systems. Auditing should be done by security professionals.
Library security staff should be prepared and ever ready to manage all situations like gravity and provide timely direction during the emergency. A security policy should be prepared to include rules to protect collections, grounds, facilities and people. It should apply to every person regardless of title, rank or position. The library director should thoroughly implement employment practices for continued consistency and comprehensive evaluation of new staff. This will ensure staffs are not overworked. According to United States (1986), fire evacuation as well as emergency disaster plans should be prepared. The plan should include staff directions and instructions, emergency closure and evacuation procedures, staff notification and personal safety responsibilities.
The director should also prepare manual for security operations, emergency situations. This manual is most useful when senior staff is not in shift during a disaster. In case of construction, it should be ensured that the security person responsible follows the projects up to completion confirming compliance with required security and safety standards. There should be enough support between the library emergency agency and the security management. This is crucial when coordinating in case of a disaster.
Emergency and Fire protection
Fire is one of the major and worst disasters to hit any library due to the nature of majority of the collection which are mainly paper. A proper system to deal with fire needs to be installed in the library premises. All staff especially the security should be fully trained on how to respond to fire accidents. The library needs to use efficient fire detection and annunciation systems to help alert everyone in good time. The systems should be well visible and the bells audible enough with clear and unique signals that can be understood easily by majority of the library users. The systems should comply with international standards and equipment approved by relevant recognized testing agencies. During construction, sufficient exit should be provided as well as exiting guidelines to make it easier for rescue assistance. In case the library is in another building, it must be made sure that all exits are safe and accessible in a way that does not hinder evacuation of victims in case of a disaster.
At library site, there is need for a fire service inspection that can plan tactical response, verify compliance of the library with state codes and standards of fire safety. There should be regular review of fire prevention practices. Electrical appliances should be inspected by the fire service before use. This includes using timers with appliances that generate heat and checking compliance with occupancy limits. Electrical appliances should only be used in the staff room to prevent access by unauthorized persons. An evacuation plan should be published and displayed at all available emergency exits, instructions and understandable diagrams be availed to patrons and staff. The plan must include disabled persons.
The management should ensure that all fire detection systems are monitored without fail at separate locations. Only approved equipment should be used and be inspected periodically. Firefighting equipment of desired kind that is approved should be installed including portable fire extinguishers that are regularly inspected and maintained, International Maritime Organization (2001). The equipment must be placed in very strategic positions in the entire library. It will be of no use to install the equipment without proper training of the staff on how to use them. The library director can go further to install an automatic fire suppressing system. The physical layout of the library should ...
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