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Political Typology Results

Essay Instructions:

Explain the origins of the political typology with which I was aligned. I was aligned as a "young outsiders" when I took the political typology test. Consider this typology impacts and it's prospects for future political success. When you consider the typology, explain why one would identify with this particular typology. Consider the following questions: 1. Were you surprised by this typology meant? 2. What are the prospects for this typology of the young outsiders do you anticipate that the % of adults/ registered voters aligned with the same political typology are likely to increase or decrease in the near future? (according to the results I fit in with 13% of the public) 3. How might this typology group impact political parties and elections. Answer the questions in an essay that is well-supported by the resources on the Pew Center's page. http://www(dot)people-press(dot)org/2014/06/26/section-1-the-political-typology-identity-and-attitudes/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Political typology results
Typology is a system for dividing people into different kinds, on political grounds, science, and social sciences. The United States of America has various political typologies with each group having own set of beliefs that divide people into groups depending on their values and attitudes, not their partisan labels (Bosi, 2014).
Young Outsiders are one of the political typology groups whose members identified based on their answerers to the twenty-three questions about their political and social values. The questions asked in the typology grouping are in a standard alternative format where respondents pick two statements most closely show their views. The questions included in the typology construction weigh various stands of political values, and used to categorize people in more than one political dimensional space. Most of these values are the same as those used in previous typology studies. Nevertheless, this years’ typology is different from previous the methods used because it uses individual questions with the exact year scale measuring to determine how political dimensions come about using many similar questions. The new system allows for more additional values not used in the previous political typologies. For example, values about United States participation in world affairs. Besides, unlike past political typologies, this years’ political typology does not include any measure of party affiliation in the system nor does it include measures of individual financial security (Eisenstadt, 2013).
The typology groupings come up using a small group analysis, a statistical process that uses respondents’ performance on all the twenty-three questions to sort them into homogeneous groupings. This groupings include, the young outsiders a relatively young, independent group that holds a mix of liberal and conservative views. While most of it is members, tend to support the Republican Party as compared to those who support Democratic Party some group of Young Outsiders express opinions that do not favor both democratic and republicans. They doubt the activist government and a majority view government as inefficient and wasteful. Consequently, this group of Young Outsiders diverges from the conservative typology groups, the Business conservatives and Steadfast Conservatives in their big support for the liberal policies and the environment.
A majority of Young Outsiders (81 percent) claim poor people today find it easy since they can access government help minus doing anything in return for the country. Only 42 percent of this group says they follow what is happening in politics and government business and only 30 percent know Democratic Party has a majority of members in the Senate and Republican Party has a majority in the House. This group of Young Outsiders is the youngest political typology group where 30 percent are under 30 years and a majority are under 50 years. Almost three-quarters (73 percent) of this group do not originate from Latin America and most of them are female (52 percent) as compared to male (48 percent). Just 25% of this group claim to attend religious services every week and the Republican supporting Young Outsiders plan to vote Republican presidential candidate, this fall is somewhat a large margin 0f 20 points than what happened in 2012 with 11 points (Wingenbach, 2011). During the 2012, presidential vote 50 percent young outsiders voted Romney the republican presidential candidate during the last presidential elections as compared to 39 per...
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