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Opioid Crisis. Social Sciences Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

Open a new document and paste an image of your map at the top. Provide a link to your working map as well if it is a web map that can be shared. Add captions as necessary to explain your project results. Then write a short paragraph of about 500 words describing:

• What is your map's purpose and audience?

• What could a map reader learn from this map?

• Where did you wind up finding the data? Did things go as planned or did you make adjustments?

• What choices did you make with selection, simplification, classification, and symbolization in order to convey your intended message to your intended audience?

o How did you make sure the thematic features stood out enough on top of the reference map?

o How did you choose any colors in your map?

o How did you choose the projection of your map?

• What are a few things you would work on if you had the time and resources to make a further revision to this map?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Opioid Crisis
Your Name
Subject and Section
December 7, 2018  
In recent years, opioid addiction, as well as related overdose cases, have risen in the whole United States. While almost every state has been affected by this trend, one of the states that have been heavily affected is West Virginia. Consequently, this map entitled ‘Opioid Overdose Crisis in West Virginia’ aims to show just how dangerous the cases of Opioid overdose in the different counties of the state according to their respective ranks. Initially, the map was supposed to be created only with the general data of West Virginia as a state although there are plenty of data out there that shows the mortality rate, opioid use, and overdose for the state of West Virginia, the author of the map has yet to find any specific data that only caters for the counties of the state. Using the first type of data, the map that was created was mostly rectangular with very rough features that fail to describe the situation of the state. Fortunately, however, data from an article written by Case (2017) have shown the nationwide ranks of different West Virginian counties. Still, since the data has been presented in an image form, rather than a table, each of the items was carefully transcribed and saved as a CSV file.
In creating the map, the data to be presented and the main design have both been carefully thought of. Regarding overall design, thick borderlines have been added in order to denote that the state of West Virginia is the main focus. A topographic base map is also used in order to r...
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