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Social Sciences
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4-1 4-2 & 4-3 students comments Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

these are the students comments in text citation if possible the questions are added the students for 4-1 are Emily and Scott 4-2 are Scott and Elizabeth and 4-3 is Elizabeth the questions are differents please put there names on the post so I will know who is who and schollary comments reference page about 55 for each comment

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Student Comments
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Emily Speck says that her supervisor is trained in CBT and REBT, and she likes relying on these two frameworks in her own practice (Medalia et al. 2017). Until now, Emily has not found it necessary to change her way of counseling, meaning it seems to be good to her. In the meantime, she has been trained to listen to the client carefully.
According to Scott Church, he has never been through the time when he was asked to change his approach, belief or attitude. He always takes the Christian beliefs out while serving his clients. However, in some situations, he applies those beliefs to the practice to assist his clients in a better way.
Scott thinks that the evidence-based practice is being constantly pushed. According to him, it is good to practice something that is proven to be effective, valid and authentic. He is always encou...
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