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Week four journal. Social Sciences Essay. Fourth week at the practicum

Essay Instructions:

Week four (4) journal will be about I helped prepair the agency for auditing, ran a AAA group with a counselor he thanked me so much and gave me a huge at the end of grroup letting me know he really apprecated my help and I thought he was a ass hold do not say that word please because my clinic director asked me to help him I did not think I was good enought to help him but I was. I told the client in group it is about making progress not being perfect, I could not stress that enought. I also did the usually things I do every week of making the calls to clients helping out intake and assessment, taking clients to the cashier taking them to drop their urine at the nurse station also take the clients to the business the clients cannot rome the building by them self. in text citation one . There were no ethical deilms this week. The first group on saturday was connecting to your feeling which I co-factated second group focused on step one amitting being powless, I also gave out meds to men on saturday the monitor watched me just making susre I was doing things correctly. First group we had 24 clients second group we had 8 clients.

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Journal 4
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This is my fourth week at the practicum, and thankfully, I have faced no serious problem or ethical dilemma. Last week, Mr. Miller made me feel sad, but the supervisor later proved him wrong and called me right. This week, things went on smoothly, and I had a lot to deal with. I was there to prepare the agency for auditing as my supervisor has asked me to do so. Then I was encouraged to run a group titled AA group, and I managed all the things of this group in collaboration with a counselor. He was quite impressed by my performance, sincerity and hard work, and thanked me for my efforts. Later on, the counselor hugged me and let the group members ...
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