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Cultural Diversity and Ethics in the Face of Technology

Essay Instructions:

In Module 5 you began this step in the research scaffold process, which extends the examination begun in the Literature Review to ethical issues affecting individuals and communities. You will submit your draft at the end of this module.

We require you to select a research topic that has diversity and ethics “hooks” because we want to efficiently assess your competency in global understanding and ethics within the context of a single research project. You’ve seen Joe Student choose Water Pollution as his global issue, then through his literature review identify access to clean water as a struggle that especially affects disenfranchised people and is not always addressed equitably by the agencies controlling that access. Confronted with the requirement to add an ethical perspective, he decides to look at how the agencies communicate critical information to those affected and what ethical principles they use to set water policy. You don’t hear from Joe again until he’s putting together his final paper, but here’s a hint: he finds that the way these agencies select their policies and practices usually benefits themselves and the people who can afford to pay for superior access to clean water, leaving vulnerable people still insecure about their own access.


Your literature review has helped you to refine your contemporary global issue problem statement and learn where the themes and disagreements lie. Now, you will zero in on some aspect of that issue that affects vulnerable and disenfranchised groups differently from the way it affects dominant cultural groups. Continuing to add sources as necessary, you will analyze and synthesize the findings from the scholarly literature, asking how these groups have historically been, and currently are, impacted by the policies, decisions, and actions of others; what ethical principles have driven these policies, decisions, and actions; and what strategies and solutions the different parties have come up with. You will examine the issue from multiple perspectives, including your own cultural background and experiences and those of impacted individuals and groups.

You will use the lens of at least two ethical theories to evaluate the potential equity of the different strategies and solutions. You will recommend areas for further study that might result in more equitable treatment of those vulnerable and disenfranchised groups. Your recommendation must be supported by well-reasoned evidence from scholarly research. Remember: you are not to propose solutions at this point, just lay out the possibilities!

-Diversity Issue topics

Cross-cultural differences


Cultural inequities

In-group favoritism

Out-group bias

Inter-group conflict

-Ethical Issue Topics

Ethical relativism

Virtue ethics


Social justice theory

Economic justice

Social responsibility in organizational communication

The final Diversity/Ethics scaffold paper will be 2,000-2,500 words, excluding title page and references.


There are many ways to write up your research findings at this stage. Below is a list of aspects of the research that you must include in some way:

*Identify the groups of people around the world who may be adversely affected by the issue, and also the dominant groups who are not

*Situate your own cultural perspective relative to the issue and these groups

*Use Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory in some way as you analyze the diverse cultural perspectives

*Address issues such as ingroup favoritism, intergroup bias, etc. (see the list of topics in The Global Workplace, Part 1 in Module 3)

*Describe the ethical issues involved in addressing the problem, being sure to draw on at least two ethical theories (see the list of topics in The Global Workplace, Part 2 in Module 3)

*Analyze the decision making process and action plans that have been tried

*Examine evidence for social responsibility in these processes and plans

*Identify the policies and practices presented in the research findings that might lead to equitable solutions (and which seem unlikely to do so).

*Then, take a step back! Don’t pick a solution yet. Let this portion of your paper season, and wait for feedback from your instructor and your peers. You will be expected to present your proposed solution in detail in the last segment of your final paper.

Sound complicated? Remember, you’re building on the solid foundation you developed in the Literature Review, and applying knowledge of diversity issues and ethical theories to your problem. If you’re having difficulty understanding what we mean by ‘ethical underpinnings” you will find it helpful to review the Ethics Resources section of the Assignment Support Resources document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Diversity and Ethics in the Face of Technology
Angela M. Hardin
Excelsior College
February 24, 2019
The contemporary issue that this research seeks to address is how the advancement in technology has changed the social dynamic as globalization, and technological growth restructures society. This research aims to achieve a depth analysis of the subject from a sociological perspective studying the impact of advanced technology on human health and development. Technology is therefore centered in the area of social change, from which it seeks to determine the nature through which technological advancement has brought about change within our social culture. This research will discuss the influences of growing up in a digital era, problematic internet use and the associated behaviors, and the potential health and social ramifications of technology and e-waste worldwide.
The study views advancements in technology over recent times as responsible for increased cancer cases, in addition to reduced social ties and relations (Díaz & Bonilla, 2019). Research on the topic is essential because it acknowledges that apart from the positive effects of technology, there are negative effects associated with increased technological advancements. It, therefore, recognized that by not taking necessary measures, the impact of technological advancements could have adverse ramifications to society as a whole.
With regards to global studies, there has been increased manufacturing and distribution of electronic gadgets. “Although e-waste is omnipresent and generated everywhere, high-income countries such as the US, countries of the European Union, and Australia, Japan, etc. are considered to be the main sources of e-waste. E-waste constitutes on average 8% of total solid waste generation in these countries.” (Hossain, 2015). Resulting in increased amounts of e-waste released into the environment. It creates a negative impact because there are no viable efforts that are channeled towards research regarding the possible ways of dealing with e-waste (Liu & Yuan, 2015). With that said, there are currently no standardized methods globally utilized to handle the electronic waste introduced into the environment, as the materials used for construction is not biodegradable. Disagreements are rising from various authors regarding the effects of e-waste (Frey & Osborne, 2015). In most cases, the products are instead recycled and used to make other goods which prevent them from being discarded into the environment. However, by not exercising proper care in the disposal of e-waste, it is evident that e-waste can seep its way into groundwater, causing significant health risks.
Educational technology has played an enormous role in enhancing the ability of students to learn. Research discussed will give examples of video game use in the learning environment as a tool to improve understanding among students. Also, authors will highlight the results technology has on the well-being of the general public as hospitals use sophisticated equipment for treatment. However, the distraction caused by technology in the learning process was the key issue as to why the participants did not advocate for its use. Students use mobile phones in classrooms instead of listening to what the teachers are teaching. Therefore, technology has resulted in adverse effects within society such as health and morality issues.
Literature review
McRae (2016) reveals the depth of interest and breadth of issues related to growing up digital in Alberta. Alberta teachers specified in an outcome from a survey on topics related to health and well-being, there to have been a change in the student populace over the past three to five years. Notably the "somewhat'' and "significant" increase in students who demonstrate emotional challenges, social challenges, behavior support, and cognitive challenges. This data undoubtedly reveals a dramatic change in the complexity of the student populace in Alberta.
However, institutions acknowledge that teachers account that digital technologies enhance their teaching and learning activities, with inquiry-based learning being the area of greatest perceived enrichment. Educators voiced their interest in technologies within their schools to help students become contributors in society, highlighting the significance of resources and experiences which support students' learning and contributes to flourishing active and engaged citizens in a digital age. Innovations provide access to a variety of learning resources, which enables communication with parents, and to an array of resources and materials in support of students who have a variety of learning needs.
The use of educational technology is not only useful in society but also has negative impacts. The utilization of electronic devices to access the internet takes much of the student's time that could be better utilized on studies. Not to mention the potential to access pornographic content which could, in turn, have a negative impact on their lives. The article brings out the theme of moral decay in society globally.
The study by Acuff (2018) pursues to apply a behavioral economic framework to Internet-use worldwide, testing the theory that, much like other addictive behaviors, problematic Internet use is a facilitator, reflecting an overvaluation of an immediately acquirable reward relative to prosocial and delayed reward. The addiction to internet use presents itself in the same manner as that other thing such as drugs. People have become addicted to the internet henceforth bringing a negative impact on their lives instead of doing something that would result in a positive reward. Individuals with higher demand and discounted from others were at most significant risk for problematic Internet use.
Addiction to the internet presents itself as that of other compulsions. Those addicted to the internet impose negative impacts on their lives rather than reaping the benefit of such technologies which can result in a positive reward. Individuals with high demand and addictive behaviors pose the most significant risk for problematic Internet use.
The study had several limitations. Initially, the use of self-report measures posed a risk of bias or measurement errors in certain aspects of the research. However, these measures (and other similar measures) are used in numerous studies on substance-related addictions, and validation studies using actual substances have been highly supportive. Some suggest problematic internet be an "umbrella construct" for technologically-mediated addictions, however each addiction is distinct, and has its unique outcomes as gambling can result in substantial financial loses where internet pornography can prove to have consequences within their relationships, as addicts' individuals frequently have difficulty regulating one of these domains but not the others.
The addiction reveals the theme of moral decay as a result of excessive use of technology. Such dependence has resulted in a generation of "dummies" that cannot think on their own and have to refer everything to the internet. Often, the users engage in non-rewarding activities, which negates the upbringing of morally and ethically sound individuals. The continued addiction to the internet could turn out to be a global problem hindering the achievement of goals and societal contributions if proper action is not taken.
The construct of technological addiction as a distinct syndrome is unsustainable and further emphasizes the focus on the specific technology-mediated behaviors. The same results indirectly arrived by previous reports showing that specific online activities occur as hidden paradigms. Results clearly supported the hypothesis, identifying gaming addiction and cybersex addiction as those distinct from each other and distinct from internet addiction and smartphone addiction and suggesting that gaming addiction and cybersex addiction are relatively independent psychopathological entities. Findings also identified deficiencies of the umbrella constructs, such as internet addiction, and provide support to the emphasis of the specific internet and technology-mediated addictive behaviors.
The study of Baggio et al. (2018) investigated whether problematic technology-mediated behaviors could be conceptualized as a spectrum of related, yet distinct disorders (spectrum hypothesis), using the network approach, which considers disorders as networks of symptoms. The data was analyzed to determine the relationship between different behaviors. The use of the internet was found to have the closest relationship with other behaviors. However, the worldwide web, smartphone, gaming, and cybersex did not have many relationships with technology-mediated behaviors.
Findings are based on the model of behavioral addiction, relying heavily on the conceptualization of substance addictions, the validity of the constructs purposed as measured by the instruments is a subject of controversy. No reliable assessment tool has been developed to date for a myriad of addictive behaviors, although some methods have been tested in comparison to a clinical interview. These considerations mandate careful use of instruments used in this study as screening tools for technology-mediated addictions.
The addiction to the internet has become a significant problem in society. The utilization of the world wide web has contributed to moral decay globally since its conception. Universal users have taken to the internet in search of morally decaying material. Web designers target these users to illicit cybersex and luring many of our younger generations into sexual exploits. Therefore, technology-related problems will keep on affecting society as long as people remain internet addicts. Also, such moral decay is also reflected in schools as students are focused on internet use rather than studies and education. Though the internet can prove to be beneficial and an asset it should be noted that parents need to take an active approach to monitor and supervise their use.
Cultural impacts and Inequalities
Given the current changes in technology, the majority of society has forgotten their culture and turned to the modern way of life being brought by way of technology. For instance, Hofstede (2019) argues that language differences are one of the leading causes of cultural differences. Technology has a means of interpreting a person's conversation from one language into another. As a result, such translation may bring out a different meaning in a given conversation, and in turn, this could have a negative impact in that communication process because people might end up misunderstanding one another. The social media platforms are a good example of such situations. People display different cultures and therefore, without the right intercultural skills, it is easy for an individual to misinterpret the items posted by other people. It is essential to understand and interpret one another cultures correctly to avoid misunderstandings.
Within intimate relationships, partners often use technologies for many functions, to include communicating, planning, sharing affection, and learning about one another. It is recognized that these functions can create both positive and negative outcomes for couples. Murray (2015) performs an in-depth examination of the likely positive and negative impacts of technology on relationships. Without technology, people could easily manage their lives with short friendship circles. It would even be rare to meet people from other parts of the world. However, technology has resulted in an effective way of communicating with other people. For instance, people have a lot of virtual friends across the internet that they have never met. They focus on such friendships and forget about their real-life friends. This is the most common phenomena among teenagers who are obsessed with the number of followers that they have online. Losing a follower would be a great deal as compared to losing the friendship of someone that they used to hang out with. Teenagers spent most of their time talking to strangers instead of focusing such energy on the people that they know. As a result, the internet has eroded the people's culture of caring about those around them. It has turned everything to be virtual, and people only realize that they need real friends when in trouble.
If the growing generation is not discouraged about spending most of their time on the phones, then people risk having a future of dummies that cannot associate with one another within the workplace because they will have been used to online friendships. As a result, it will be difficult to achieve organizational goals in a situation whereby people cannot effectively communicate. It will be difficult to lead and organize group projects because people will prefer not to have one-on-one conversations. In addition, the virtual world in the workplace has reduced the effectiveness of the decision-making process. People would hold meetings and brainstorm across various ideas to come up with the best fit for the achievement of the organizational goals. However, this has changed because employees cannot discuss much during virtual meetings. It will come to a future whereby people will be unable to make constructive business decisions. Therefore, this calls for a course of action to control the extent to which people are using technology. Some part of organizational culture has to be observed to ensure that companies do not undergo a lot of negative impacts as a result of technological improvements. It is speculated that most of the activities in the workplace are being run by computers, unlike the traditional ways whereby people would play a role in coordinating all business activities.
Scholars recognize that a better understanding of the impact technology has in a relationship is warranted through the family ecology model, the structural-functional model, and the interaction constructionist perspective. This model indicates that technology impacts relationships as technology impact the...
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