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Immigration And Democracy In The United States

Essay Instructions:

INTERVIEW PAPER ASSIGNMENT: In this written assignment you interview students and write a paper on their attitudes and actions in respect to the same topic: "Immigration and Democracy in the United States." The report will be approximately five double-spaced pages (1250 words) in length. In addition to the 5-page written text, you will include a 1-page attachment: the tabulation of your interview subjects' responses to your questions.

I uploaded the guideline of the first essay and my first essay so you can take a reference.

It will be nice if you can somehow responding to paper 1 by designing your interview for the paper 2.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Attitudes and Actions on Topic "Immigration and Democracy in The United States." Name Institution The Attitudes and Actions on Topic "Immigration and Democracy in The United States. 1. Do you or your family have any history or experience with immigration? If so, please describe. Respondent 1: No, I am a native American. Respondent 2: No, not particularly that I remember Respondent 3: Yes, I have. I am a Mexican. The reign of Donald Trump has often left me in fear of being deported to my country. This comes from the immigration policies that keep me, my current life, my family income and stabilization I have had already in America to be at peril just because I am not a native American. Respondent 4: Not necessarily. Although I have heard friends complain about the issues of immigration from an experienced account. Respondent 5: Yes. I have experienced immigration issues as I am a breed of a Latin and a native American. My father has a Latin background, and my mother is a native America, which made me become an American through the dating and intermarriage between my parents. However, being a Latin American has always made me feel the risk of being an illegal immigrant in America, and I do not know my clear fate of how immigration policies might affect me. Self-analysis of the Interview The above respondents share their perspective on immigration policies. Two of the respondents have stated that immigration policies have affected them as one of the respondents is a Mexican, and the other respondent is a Latin American. I think that the diversities of cultures through having people like Mexicans or Latins is a vital element to ensure that America has a rich diversity in cultures. Besides, immigration policies ought to focus on illegal immigration to reduce issues such as crime and overpopulation. However, immigration in America has played a key role in cultural diversity and has to make America great as well as the intermarriages and dating from other backgrounds to enhance the issue of dating and diverse practices across America. 2. Without naming anyone, do you have friends or acquaintances who are immigrants? If so, describe their situation. For example, some might be citizens or legal residents; some might be on DACA, some might be undocumented Respondent 1: No. Although I hear people talking about immigration issues and how they might affect their lives, I do not have friends or acquittances whom I know that the policies have affected. Respondent 2: Yes. My neighbors are American citizens, although they have an Arabic and Muslim background. There have been sentiments echoed that Muslims tend to put America in the risk of terror attacks, which is a stereotype from my understanding. Albeit, I am not certain if they are legal residents or illegal immigrants to America. Respondent 3: Yes. I have other Mexican friends, where the immigration policies seem to profile Mexican immigrants irrespective of being legal or illegal immigrants. Respondent 4: Yes, I have friends who came to American based on reasons such as their country was war-torn. They came to America and have and stabilized in the country where they have even secured jobs and got a stable lifestyle. Respondent 5: Not in particular. Most of my friends are Americans, and for the few Latins, Indians, and Mexicans that I know, I do not know where they are in America legally or illegally, which makes me know a little about their immigration status. Self-analysis The respondents talked about the way immigration policies have to affect friends or close acquaintances across America. I still think that in terms of strengthening the American workforce as well as increasing entrepreneurial abilities of the country is a positive impact brought by the immigrants to America. Muslims also enhance the diversity of religion to give people latitude to practice their right to religion. From the response to the questions of how immigration policies have affected friends and acquaintances, Americans should adopt immigration policies. 3. In your opinion, why do people immigrate to the US? Respondent 1: To experience the diverse culture Respondent 2: To escape war-ridden countries and start a new chapter in their lives Respondent 3: My parents told us we were moving to America because they had been promised a job. It was hard to get a job in Mexico, so when my parents heard of the job opportunities in the US, they told us we were moving. Respondent 4: I have friends who moved to America because their home country was war-torn. Respondent 5: The reason we moved to America is that my parents got married. My mum is a Native American, and my dad is Latin. Self-analysis on the Interview All these answers are among the many reasons why people move to the United States. Immigration has become a trending topic worldwide. Certain leaders feel that immigrants should not be allowed into the country. Religion is also one of the re...
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