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Boko Haram Launches Series Of Attacks In North-East Nigeria

Essay Instructions:

Blog Assignment – SOC 2229

For this assignment, you will choose a development related issue or event that is currently receiving media attention. Your aim is to prompt members of the public to become aware of and to think critically of a current issue. The style of writing should be accessible. In other words, it should be a blog post that a friend or family member (who has not taken this course) would understand.

Select 2-3 articles that cover the issue from a variety of perspectives. Your sources may include mainstream media reports (such as the CBC, the Guardian, the Globe and Mail), alternative sources (such as Alternet, Rabble.ca, Global Voices), blog posts (such as The Guardian’s Poverty Matters, UN Dispatch, from Poverty to Power, Huffington Post’s Development Unplugged).

Use these resources to write your own blog post.

Your blog post should set the context through inclusion of an overview of the event or issue and provide a critical analysis of the issue.

Consider the historical factors, what individuals and groups are impacted and the challenges they face, who has power in the situation, potential solutions and barriers to resolution.

A list of sources using APA format should be included. Your blog post should be between 500-750 words (not including sources).


A critical analysis should consider the following questions:

o What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?

o What is at stake for the key parties, including those who disagree with you?

o What levers can you use to influence those who disagree with you?

o What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the argument be made? When and in what context?

Be sure to consider what information you may need to research in order to make the most well-reasoned and persuasive arguments.

Consider whom you are trying to persuade and what types of arguments and presentations will be most persuasive to him/her/them.

Consider what type of response you are likely to get to your first line of argument and then craft a sort of decision tree of arguments: if they say “this,” you will counter with “that,” etc.

Please keep in mind that i lean politically LEFT/liberal, and so does my professor, so my arguments would be in that direction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Boko Haram launches series of attacks in north-east Nigeria 'I was prepared to die': survivors recount chaos of Nairobi attack President says planners of assault claimed by al-Shabaab will be relentlessly pursued These are two of the titles that I have chosen to make my blog about. As it is today, it is no mystery that Africa has been one of the most active areas where militancy and terrorism is rampant. Africa, throughout history has been colonized, destabilized and meandered upon by other countries. Recently, different terrorist attacks have happened in Africa and the government has vowed to investigate and punish such cruel acts. Just last year, in North-East Nigeria, Boko Haram launched a series of attacks that led to the destruction of different communities, and the loss of innocent lives. Boko Haram has infiltrated the country for many years now and it has operated in various areas in the country. Their main goal is to proliferate their view of the Islam religion by declaring Jihad or holy war upon those whom they deem as their enemies. In another area in Africa, another Islamic group has just recently done an attack to the public. Al-Shabaab claimed that they were responsible for the attack. The president condemned their acts and has prepared an action and investigation team to pursue the criminals. In popular belief, the problem is these Islamic Groups. These organizations have been responsible for global violence and loss of countless innocent lives. These Islamic states have operated under the guise of divine will, stating that all their enemies is beyond God’s grace and so they justify their wrong doings. They wrongly believe that they are right and they continue to proliferate suffering and pain upon the communities that they ransack. It might seem that the proper thing to believe is that the Islamic states and their organizations are responsible for the evil that is encompassing the country and the world. I would argue that this is ...
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