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MR 30531: What Does It Mean To Live On Less Than $5 A Day?

Essay Instructions:

!!! Experience Assignment:

What does it mean to live on less than $5 a day? Can you live without your

cellphone, internet connection, public transportation, your Dunkin' or Starbucks?

For two days, try to live on less than $5 a day.

To encourage you to try living on 5 dollars a day

You will be asked to write two short research papers. Each paper should be between 1,200 and

1,500 words (4-5 pages long) typewritten (12p times new roman), double-spaced, with 1 inch


➢ As seen above, there are two assignments due in the course of the semester. I suggest you

keep a journal of your experiences and the difficulties you face trying to fulfill that task.

➢ You will then use these difficulties (and journal), to relate your experiences to class readings

specific to each of the assignments. This means drawing on your experience to

validate/critique/comment on ideas and arguments found in class readings.

➢ The assignments suggest that you try to fulfill each assignment. No penalty for failure, or for

not following the requirements to the fullest. The assignment is all about trying what other

people experience in their daily lives.

➢ The first paper is due in class in hardcopy on March 1.

➢ The second paper is due class in hardcopy on April 12.

Formatting and other expectations appear below, and papers failing to meet them will lose


• Papers must have a separate cover page with your name, the paper title, course number,

and date; this is the only place where your name should appear. DO NOT use

headers/footers with your name in them. (up to 10 pts. off)

• The paper's pages must be numbered. DO NOT number the cover page; p. 1 is the first

page of text, not the cover page. (10 pts. off if no page numbers) Foot/endnotes,

bibliography, charts, appendices, etc., do not count against the page limit.

• Pick one style of citation (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago) and follow it throughout your paper.

Follow the style when it comes to references inside the text or in footnotes, as well as for

the bibliography. Long quotations are unacceptable. Citation and quotation issues, up to

10 pts. off.

• Gross failure to proofread and correct obvious errors: up to 10 pts. off.

• Persistent grammar and similar errors: up to 5 pts. off per class of error

• Lateness: 10 pts. off per day late

• Your bibliography should reference at least 2 class readings. Up to 5 pts. off.

• Failure to meet page limit, font, spacing, margins. Up to 5 pts. off per error.

• Failure to follow directions (here and elsewhere in this syllabus). Up to 10 pts. off.

• Failure to have a bibliography page: 10 pts. Off

• A paper that relies primarily on basic reference sources (Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook,

Encyclopedia Britannica, etc.) for anything but statistics, election returns, and similar data

will not earn a grade higher than a C. If you are unsure about whether a source fits in this

category, all you have to do is ask me or your section leader.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Living in under $5 dollar a day
Course Code:
Living in under $5 a day
Income inequality has continually widened in the 20th century and we now live in a world where the top 1% control more than half of world’s wealth CITATION Jil15 \l 1033 (Treanor, 2015). It is unfortunate that over half the world’s population lives on under $5 dollars a day and more than a third live on under $2. Living under 5 dollars is nearly impossible in my community because of the high cost of living but it was a challenge that I vowed to take to experience first hand the reality of struggling to live. In some areas around the world it is possible to meet your daily expenses with this budget. Life is relatively expensive in these places and probably living on a $5 a day may seem extravagant whilst in other parts, the same amount is not even enough for public means of transport per kilometer. I attempted this experience for two days and though it was hard, it had important lessons.
Typically, I spend $100 a day and bringing this expenditure down by twenty times is unimaginable. You realize almost all your expenses are justified and you cannot live without them but I vowed to try it to see if I can relate the plight of those people who do not have the choice but to live on less that $5 a day. In the morning I usually wake up and head straight to a coffee shop to grab some coffee. Well, with a $5 budget, coffee is more than a luxury. If you decide to have it then you forego meals for the rest of the day. Thus, in my case, I had to replace that coffee with something else cheaper. A boiled egg and a cup of strong tea. The trick is to give your body an illusion of breakfast and not to eat to your fill. Tea has low caffeine levels so during the day I felt sluggish and not motivated to do anything. The egg is to serve as a reasonable replacement to milk as and cereals that give you slightly higher calorie value to get through your day. The good thing with this challenge is I was forced to take a lot of water in the house to fill my stomach.
It is almost impossible to have a balanced diet whilst surviving on $5. It is possible to eat though meeting your calorific requirements might be unattainable. Having three well balanced meals in a day is impossible. You have to figure out on how to save on food. To accomplish this, you must prepare your own meals. Buying ready-cooked food is expensive and unsustainable whilst surviving on this budget. Dunkin or any other fast food product is completely out of reach. Each eating decision is preceded by a tradeoff between eating to your fill and eating a balanced diet. Mostly, eating to your fill takes precedence though it is still unsustainable for a longer period of time. You can lose weight very fast. Passing near any eatery provokes your hunger and it zeroes in on you to reconsider the reasons you took up the challenge.
Each day I have to travel usually by public means. If you think public transport is challenging, then you have not tried walking. The distance I have to cover daily is almost impossible if you are famished. It may be healthy to walk but if done in a bid to save on your expenses it turns sore. I got creative and decided to cycle to my reachable destinations. It is relatively easier and less strenuous but on virtually empty stomach, it is still very challenging.
Communication is rather expensive and if you have to live in under $5 dollars a day you ought to drop it altogether. The cost of airtime and internet far surpasses your daily budget. Therefore, to communicate you have to rely on public phones and for checking your email that will probably be in the school library. Otherwise, I just had to shut down my cellphone. Your social interactions also become challenging if you have to save on your cost of communication CITATION Roy13 \l 1033 (Baumeister & Bushman, 2013). Social interactio...
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