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Each Person's Life And Life Choices: My Encounters From The Interview

Essay Instructions:

You will need to interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society.

Preferably a male and a female.

Analyze their responses in APA format essay (a 1550 word paper) regarding:

Identify each person's class, race, and gender, supporting your work with the text and/or outside resources.
What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you see these stratifiers as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?
Apply one of the sociological perspectives to the individuals' lives. Why did you choose this particular perspective? How does it explain each person's life and life choices?
What are some of the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?
Analyze each person's specific components of culture and relate them to his/her stratified position in society.

Please send me a link to the sources you use.
Message me if you have any questions.
Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Asking questions is seen to be the best way to learn. In this assignment, I was directed to interview two different persons concerning their positions in the society. Therefore, my interview focused on Mr. Tom, a manager in a local restaurant and Mrs. Jane, a cashier in a local supermarket. They are all married, and have parenting responsibilities. My interview sought to understand how their roles pertaining class, gender or race had affected their lives. I chose to utilize the conflict perspective since in the course of the interviewing process, some conflicts emerge as a result of the common stereotypes implanted in the society pertaining the roles that should be undertaken by different genders. Societies are indeed made up of many competing interest group based on gender, race, as well class, and either group wants to outcompete the other and gain advantage. This is because using conflict perspective approach will be most appropriate.
My Encounters from the Interview
My first interview was based on how Mrs. Jane viewed her interactions with family members and the society in general. In responding to my inquiry, Mrs. Jane said that women with higher class would spend relatively less time doing housework than women in the lower class. She continued saying that most women with a perceived high class spend less time at home than those who are perceived to be lower class women. She attributes this scenario to the shift in the paid domestic labor, which has contributed to the reduction of the number of hours of housework for upper and middle class women. Most interestingly, she said that most women with resources are more likely to transfer some of her house works to the low wage women in the society. This then leads to the reduction of the need for household bargaining between high class women and their domestic partners.
When asked whether there are exaggerated gender bias between women working in the professions dominated by men, Mrs. Jane said that indeed there was a gender bias in the workplace where she was working. I then sought to know whether this gender bias was based on some kind of the particular class women held in the society. In response, she said that in her place of work, gender bias was higher for upper class women as compared to middle class women. She explained that the increase in the rate of gender bias was more likely to make the upper class women to identify themselves as women, thereby interfering with the class-based identification that existed in the society. She explained that female managers get a lot of their benefits from place of work mainly as a result of the rising number of women in the leadership positions. However, she cautioned that the acts of overreliance on female minority leaders may increase gender-identification, and rather lead to the decrease in the levels of class identification.
I was then compelled to ask Mrs. Jane concerning her opinions on the challenges facing women in their communities as well as workplace basing on the class one held in the society. She said that upper and middle class women living in households where female employment would be viewed as optional and working within male dominated workplaces where intensive parenting is highly valued are forced to uphold the gendered ideals as being communal. On the other hand she explained that women of lower class working in female dominated jobs and residing in limited financial resource with is valued financial independence encounters an increased emphasis on the requirements of taking care of one’s own self-interest. The low income women according her may opt to defy the expectations that are based on gender and class.
However, my interview with Mr. Tom elicited some interesting discussions on the gender roles in the society. Being a typical African man, I asked him about his opinion on female employment and whether he could take up some of the responsibilities strongly perceived to be roles dedicated to women in the society. He was rather rattled by my inquiry, but his responses revealed that he was more conservative and less liberal towards the female gender role in the society. He indicated that as much as his wife was in the house, then it was none of his business doing what the society proclaims as roles belonging to women. This finding is indeed in conformity with the other findings from other empirical studies elsewhere that indicate that African American men were more conservative as compared to white men on issues pertaining women in politics, as well as the role of women in the family. However, both African origins and white men are in the same agreement on the issues pertaining women employment. Mr. Tom held more liberal attitude about married women's employment, particularly because his wife was employed too, and may perhaps have experienced the benefits...
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