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Why and How Are These Factors Important for Democracy: Participation, Pluralism, Developmentalism, Protection, And Performance?

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Why and How Are These Factors Important for Democracy: Participation, Pluralism, Developmentalism, Protection, And Performance?
Why and How Are These Factors Important for Democracy: Participation, Pluralism, Developmentalism, Protection, And Performance?
Democracy is a system of government that is controlled by most of its population. Hence, there is a high level of equity in a democratic government. There are several factors that are important for democracy. The factors include developmentalism, performance, participation, protection, and pluralism. The work covers how the various factors are important for democracy.
The first factor is participation which is the degree to which people participate in the government activities. Apart from voting, constitutes should ensure that the elected representatives are accountable for their activities. Participation ensures that citizens are involved in the decision-making process which helps in developing a country. Citizens have different ideas which can improve a nation’s economy when properly utilized.
Pluralism is a state where the supreme authority is invested on various institutions instead of only the government controlling every activity in a nation. The state allows other institutions such as churches and schools to contribute in the decision-making process instead of the government monopolizing the decisions that are made (Blokland, 2016). Therefore, the state allows fairness to be achieved in the decision- making process as other institutions will be allowed to contribute in the process.
However, developmentalism is an economic term that is used by marginalized nations to describe the strategy of imposing high tariffs and improving internal market to raise their economy. Through the strategy, a nation will be able to give a chance to the local industries to develop that will improve the nati...
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