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Kinesiology and Ethics

Essay Instructions:


●     Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of kinesiology from historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives.

●     Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the application of ethics, leadership principles, and current research on diversity, equity, and inclusion to future roles in the physical education, athletic, and exercise science professions.

●     Students will be able to communicate ideas in writing based on audience, purpose, and context appropriate to the kinesiology disciplines. (CWCC 1.1 Effective Communication – Written)

●     Students will be able to analyze and synthesize information and construct logical arguments based on historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives, to ask appropriate questions, generate ideas and draw proper conclusions. (CWCC 2 Critical Thinking)

●     Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of ethical perspectives grounded in a range of philosophical viewpoints. (CWCC 7.2 Religious and Ethical Awareness)

o The paper's primary goal is to present your personal philosophy with a focus on applications to physical education, exercise science, health, athletic, and/or other human movement career paths.

●     In approx. 2 pages provide an overview of your personal philosophy with connections and applications to key branches of philosophy as well as other historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives discussed in class. *Note the application of course readings, referenced using APA format, is recommended.
✓ Introduction / overview of personal philosophy
✓ Philosophical perspectives

-       Metaphysics

-       Epistemology

-       Ethics

-       Aesthetics
✓ Conclusion / summary of connections to chosen career path

The content of your personal philosophy paper will also provide evidence of your ability to demonstrate transferable skills including critical thinking and communication. With this, including additional research/academic work (referenced using APA format) beyond course readings is also recommended. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Kin Ethics
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May 3, 2023
In kinesiology, it is essential to understand the subject from various perspectives, including historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. In addition, knowledge of ethics, leadership principles, and current research on diversity, equity, and inclusion is crucial for success in physical education, athletics, and exercise science professions. Effective communication, critical thinking, and ethical awareness are essential for individuals in these fields (CWCC 1.1, CWCC 2, CWCC 7.2).
In his study, Hickson (2019) argues for the necessity of philosophy in the exercise sciences. He asserts that philosophical inquiry is essential for understanding fundamental concepts in kinesiologies, such as the nature of movement and the relationship between the body and the mind. Pot et al. (2018) focus on physical literacy, which involves acquiring physical skills and understanding physical activity's cultural, social, and historical aspects. This perspective aligns with the sociological perspective of kinesiology, which emphasizes the role of social and cultural factors in shaping physical activity.
Accordingly, personal philosophy is grounded in the belief in a higher power and the idea that everything happens for a reason, even if we may not understand it at the time. It also emphasizes the importance of learning from the past, practicing and repetition, accountability, and hard work.
Metaphysics refers to the study of reality beyond the physical realm. As a future physical education teacher, the best way to learn is through as many repetitions and as much practice as possible. I also recognize the importance of reflecting on past experiences and adjusting if needed to improve. Learning from the past can help shape your future. As a teacher, I want to assess the effectiveness of my students' lessons and adapt them for future lessons while emphasizing the need for practice and repetition to students (Hickson, 2019).
Epistemology is the study of knowledge and how we determine if claims are valid. This field impacts instruction, knowledge, and learning in schools, offices, gymnasiums, and other settings. As an athlete, being accountable to one another is critical. Accountability implies that you are concerned about your team's and organization's success. It also means taking responsibility for your ac...
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