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Jonathan Vogel's Argument Against What He Calls The ‘Moorean View' Summary

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5-page paper (double-spaced, with reasonable margins and font-sizes) in which you ‘REC’ one and only one of the following argument:

Jonathan Vogel’s argument against what he calls the ‘Moorean view’, in his paper ‘Skepticism and Inference to the Best Explanation’ (posted in the paper topics folder on Canvas, not assigned). Be sure to explain the Moorean view.

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Jonathan Vogel’s argument against what he calls the ‘Moorean view’
Jonathan Vogel’s argument against what he calls the ‘Moorean view’
Philosophical skepticism for many years cast doubt on what determines human knowledge. Philosophers like Zhuangzi doubted the possibility of a man knowing he is a man, but not a dreaming butterfly who thinks he is a man. Similarly, Rene` Descartes also questioned our sensory experiences, terming it to be deceptive since it might be caused by evil demons. Such thoughts have raised philosophical arguments about the how we acquire knowledge of the external world.
Skeptics question how sensory experiences through ordinary perception can justify our beliefs about the world; they believe that such notions are deceptive because it provides a false belief of the world. To help us understand this argument from a clear perspective is the general principle of the knowledge of underdetermination. This principle states that when faced with two exclusive hypotheses and the available information does not offer us reason to believe in either of them, we have no reason to believe the two arguments (Tolly, 2010). Therefore, our sensory experiences can arise in one way or the other.
For years, empiricists have identified noticeable flaws of Cartesian skepticism; Cartesian skepticism is the problem of explaining how knowledge of the external world can be possible, given the fact that we cannot know or justify. Skepticism believes that we do not possess the body of knowledge about the features of the world around us. Traditionally, skepticism have denied and questioned how sensory experiences can be used to determine the world around us (Tolly, 2010).
Contemporary philosophers have developed three principles in defense of sensory experience, one of the principles being the Moorean view which maintains that sensory experience has distinctive characters. Jonathan Vogel cites that the best explanation of what he called the isomorphic hypothesis (Tolly, 2010). To understand this principle, using examples to compare reality from illusion.
Using two different scenarios of seeing a tree in front of you, and an experiment where you are fed with imaginary sensory inputs, the inputs makes it appear as if there is a tree before you even though there is not the tree. In such situations, you have no way to know which of the two situations you are in. You can’t know that you have been deceived by the computer; therefore, you are unable to know anything about the world (Tolly, 2010).
This is an idea of the deceiver's argument which is false, therefore, the deceiver argument presents two competing ideas which we need to compare, the illusory scenario and the ordinary case scenarios. In an ordinary scenario, imagine if the toaster stops working suddenly what could the explanation, is the toaster burned out or could it be that the fuse was blown out (Tolly, 2010). When faced with the two competing hypotheses without any relevant information, you cannot accept any of these hypotheses.
You can either guess that the toaster stopped working because the fuse blew or even you wouldn't know, your guess might turn out to be correct (Tolly, 2010). According to Vogel, beliefs about the external world play an explanatory function, a proposition cannot be categorized as knowledge if it does not explain what it represents (Tolly, 2010). Vogel believes that sensory experience offers a valid explanation. Using the example of the toaster, Vogel’s arguments can justify this argument on common sense, suggesting that what his sensory apparatus receive can explain such ordinary situation (Tolly,2010).
From a skeptics point of view, the deceiver can question his sensory experience, even if the skeptic can resolve the claim by making assumptions that the explanation of the toaster is but a dream, Vogel believes that real world hypothesis qualifies as a true method since it has more epistemic merits in a s...
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