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The United States In The Process Of Reforming Cuba Democracy

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Democracy in Cuba Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Democracy in Cuba Cuba is a significant example of the importance of fostering democracy in the United States foreign policy. These efforts focusing on democratizing the nation have been a prominent feature in the United States and Cuba bilateral relations once the Cold War ended (Azpuru, & Shaw, 2010). Even the embargo imposed by the United States has evolved from an instrument utilized to generate change, towards a tool of democracy promotion that fosters democratic transition. Additionally, the U.S has committed themselves diligently to promote democracy in Cuba. After, the Cold War, Cuba for the first time was in the hands of people. During this period the entire nation concentrated on fostering sovereignty that is invested in the people, and this has become a real meaningful concept in Cuba. However, their advances in a democracy have not been consistent as the nation does not have constitutional frameworks and policies that the United States has. The paper will focus on assessing the three main ways that the United States has affected democracy in Cuba. The paper will highlight the various policies and how the United States has been involved towards the process of reforming Cuba into an utterly democratic state. Analysis Cuba Democracy Act In 1992, relations between the U.S and Cuba concentrated on the debate of the Cuban Democracy Act if 1992.This policy initiated by the United States increased measures on the trade embargo against Cuba. The policy was started in an attempt to expedite the fall of the Castro government and establish democracy in Cuba (Erikson, 2010). This law mainly fosters democracy trough punishing the Castro government while rewarding Cuban citizens. This policy also extends the current embargo established by the U.S foreign policy that prohibits foreign-based subsidiaries of the United States from performing any form of trade with Cuba. This law was developed based on congressional belief that the United States has a chance to foster a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba due to the fall of communism in the Soviet Union. Badella, (2015) highlighted that this Act intended to speed the termination of any remaining military or technical support from any former state of the Soviet Union. It also focused on opposing human rights violations perpetrated by Castro regime and also maintain sanctions until this regime moved towards democracy and a more significant respect for human rights (Badella, 2014). The policy also intended on initiating the development of a comprehensive policy that would focus on a post-Castro Cuba. The Act indicated that the president should encourage other nations that trade with Cuba to restrict their trade in an effort to further the objectives of the Cuba Democracy Act This policy was highly significant to Cuba. The effect of the law could translate into a loss of substantial funds for the Cuban government (Erikson, 2010). Simultaneously, the policy allows food to be donated to non-governmental organizations such as the Protestant and Catholic churches and also individuals. Badella, (2015) indicated that the United States had a massive say in this policy. Medicines and media supplies were also allowed to be exported provided that the Cuban government allows on-site inspection and also that the supplies will benefit the Cuban export and not sold for personal gain or be re-exported (Badella, 2015). Through this law, the United States government can assist the proper non-governmental organizations for the support of people and institutions in the process of promoting non-violent democratic change in Cuba. The United States can be commended for its efforts to pressure the Cuban government in the improvement of its human rights practices. However, it has objected towards provisions of the law and also the pre-existing embargo that has continuously impeded human contacts (Gibbs, 2010). This is not democratic since restrictions have been maintained on Cuban citizens during travelling. Under the Helsinki Final Act in 1975, the United States agreed to lift this restriction on limiting human contacts including bans on telephone communication and travelling. If any citizen defied this restriction, they would be prosecuted for trading with the enemy and could sever up to twelve years in prison and fined up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The Cuban Democracy Act also highlighted that the Treasury Department can now impose civil penalties of up to fifty thousand against violators of this policy (Azpuru, & Shaw, 2010). The Helms-Burton Act which was later on known as the Cuban Democracy Act has hindered positive foreign policy of the U.S. This law has made existing embargo policies that would harm U.S economic interest profoundly challenging to appeal (Badella, 2014). As long as this legislation is not changed, the possibility of alienating Cuba even further by the United States and other allies remains. Most of the associated policies had not been enforced and had remained a significant example of the bloated infrastructure of Cuba during and after the Cold War. A Democratic Electoral System Brenner et al., (2007) stated that Cuba has a democratic system whereby the citizens elect their representatives. This has been common in the United States. However, there is a restrictive element of electoral participation since it is determined by the two party system that specifies that the state legislature will be dominated by two parties (Brenner et al., 2007). Through the numerous reforms on democracy and human rights, the Municipal Assemblies together with civil society organizations which includes the Women’s Federations nominate the candidate to the National Assembly ad not the Communist party. This highlighted considerable progress for the United States and Cuba as Cuba had begun employ electoral practices which are highly democratic (Erikson, 2010). Fostering democracy has been an essential part of the foreign policy of the United States towards Cuba however; this has beco...
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