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Reflection On Ageing Paper: My Life Portfolio

Essay Instructions:

Your Portfolio assignment is about what you want your life to be when you are 65 years old and the steps you plan to take now to achieve your goals. Your paper needs to describe your personal plan and is not about aging in general. As this assignment is based on your personal views your paper is written in the first person.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflection on Ageing Paper: My Life Portfolio Name Institution CONTRACT: MY LIFE PORTFOLIO Student`s Signature My Life Portfolio Life is very dynamic. From time to time it keeps changing and especially as the years go by in an individual`s life. Even though we cannot control the process of ageing, we can however take charge of the changes in such a way that ensures longevity in our lifespans. Setting definite goals and workable strategies are some of the ways through which life can be prolonged. Personally, my goals for the life after 65 include involving myself in lifelong learning as a way of improving my skills. In addition, other goals involve taking charge of my health through community service and remaining physically fit through participating in dancing and singing arts. It is my plan to invest in lifelong learning even after the age of 65 by taking up college courses. Marjan, Ashkan and Aliramaei (2014) clearly note that in this world that is ever changing both the children and adults need to continue personal development through education. Generally, life in the modern world demands that people of all ages possess some survival skills if at all they have to continue existing. Therefore, I will invest in further learning to help me continue being a productive member of my society, which in turn will enable me to live a better life as I apply my skills. After the age of 65, I also plan to take part in community service as a way of giving back to society and for my own personal development. Evidently participating in community service past the age of 50 is associated with reduced high blood pressure (Watson 2013). This is a great health benefit considering the prevalence of the disease in modern society. Aside from that it has also been associated with increasing a person`s lifespan as well as reducing incidences of loneliness and depression that come with having less to do in old age. I believe volunteering in the community will be my best way to stay more socially connected which is necessary for getting through the otherwise tough times of ageing. Creativity is one other area I plan to focus on after age 65 to promote healthy aging. A study by Tony, Helga and Arthur found a relationship between arts in old age and reduced cases of dementia, better problem solving capabilities and an overall good balance in life (2014). In this regard, I will invest in interesting and physically involving arts such as dancing and singing, which have always been my best hobbies. There is no doubt that taking part in these physical activities will help improve both my physical and mental state, which is necessary especially in old age. Both singing and dancing have been associated with increased alertness and hence this will come in handy since at this age one is bound to start experiencing memory loss. In achieving the above goals, three factors will without doubt influence the process. These are the health, culture and financial status. On health, this is a very important factor when it comes to life after 65. In a bid to achieve better health, I will partake in voluntary community services as they have been established to impact positively on health. Watson associated the physical activities involved in community service, the social connection, with physical and mental well-being (2013). Particularly cases of high blood pressure are noted to reduce with active participation in community service. In addition, as people get together with others, it means that less time is spent alone and thus one cannot feel lonely or depressed due to old age. Culture will also influence how I achieve my goal in lifelong learning. In today`s society learning is considered a process that goes on throughout an individual`s life where new skills and knowledge are acquired to add on the ones previously obtained. The culture is in support of lifelong learning and even governments have enacted policies that are meant to encourage participation of people of all ages in the learning proce...
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