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Introduction to Human Service

Essay Instructions:

Module 4: Critical Thinking

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Impact of Involuntary Services (100 Points)

Jane is a mental health counselor working with adults who have been arrested for domestic battery. She works in a program funded by a non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent domestic violence by teaching anger management skills. Isaiah, a 24-year old male, has been referred to her for anger management counseling after he was arrested for punching his girlfriend during an argument the previous week. According to the arrest report, Isaiah didn’t think it was wrong to punch his girlfriend because, in his words, “She made me mad.” This is Isaiah’s first arrest. He has been required by the State Attorney to attend eight weeks of counseling in exchange for deferring, and ultimately not filing, criminal charges. Isaiah is restrained from returning to the home of his girlfriend and he is currently sleeping on the sofa of a friend. Isaiah must leave his friend’s home and find another place to stay in two weeks. Additionally, he missed two days of work following his arrest and subsequent incarceration and faces suspension from work and loss of pay for one week due to his unexcused absence. If Isaiah is charged with a criminal offense, he will lose his job. Isaiah has never had any counseling and was raised by his mother, who taught him that counseling was “for crazy people.”

Write an essay that addresses the following items:

Describe Isaiah’s physical, emotional and monetary needs.

Identify three challenges Jane will face while working with Isaiah.

What can Isaiah plausibly expect from Jane and the system?

Evaluate the likely successes and shortcomings of the services provided.

Describe the criteria you use to evaluate successful service delivery.

Describe one model or theory (i.e, Maslow’s needs theory, institutional, or developmental) that could help Jane offer support for Isaiah’s problems and explain how Jane might apply the theoretical concept.

Discuss and cite the course textbook and at least one additional credible source to support your analysis and positions. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find this credible source. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length with document and citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2015 at 6:18 am

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction to Human Service
Domestic violence is usually regarded as an act of Human right Violation, within a domain where love and trust should always prevail. It is a common challenge that might happen to any relationship. Domestic violence has a devastating effect on the health and the lives of the affected individuals and also on their children (Smith & Segal, 2014). There are many ways in which to get assistance if such a case happens to someone known to you like in the case of Isaiah discussed below.
Isaiah’s physical, emotional and monetary needs
Physically Isaiah is in need of housing because he has been restrained from visiting his girlfriend’s home. That forces him to spend the night on the sofa of a friend which is not very comfortable. To make matters worse, Isaiah has a two weeks deadline to vacate his friend's home and look for an alternative place. He is therefore in serious need of a temporary home where he can rest during the night (Smith & Segal, 2014). Emotionally Isaiah needs peace of mind because he has so many things to handle which seem to have overwhelmed him. His mind is in a state of confusion following the dispute with his girlfriend and furthermore he has never been arrested before and hence the current situation has left him more confused.
In terms of monetary needs, Isiah has been separated from his girlfriend and parents and hence requires money to facilitate his basic needs like food. He also needs money to hire a house after he finishes two-week ultimatum is his friend’s house. He can’t get the money from his employee since he has been absent for two days without permission, and hence risks being suspended and losing the payment for the whole week (Smith & Segal, 2014). That limits Isaiah's accessibility to money that he needs to survive while undergoing eight-week counselling session.
Three challenges Jane will face while working with Isaiah
The first challenge Jane will face while working with Isaiah will be to convince Isaiah that counselling is not for the crazy people. Already Isaiah is convinced from what her mother told him that counselling is for mad people. The belief is likely to hinder Isaiah from embracing the counselling sessions for fear that he might be stigmatized as being crazy by the society. The fear may make hence make counselling have less impact in solving the psychological problems Isaiah is facing (Simon, 2011). That implies Jane will have a hard time convincing Isaiah to have a positive attitude towards counselling so that he can benefit.
The second challenge Jane will face while working with Isaiah will be to provide for his necessities. Isaiah is only 24 years meaning he is still in his early years of employment and hence has not yet saved a meaningful amount of money to assist him while undergoing the counseling sessions (Simon, 2011). Since his arrest has separated him from work, it means Jane will need to make arrangements on how he will survive.
The third challenge Jane will face while working with Isaiah is to try as hard as possible to understand him. Isaiah being a young person has no experience of life issues and, therefore, would shy away from telling Jane everything that is tormenting his mind (Simon, 2011). That will require Jane to be understanding and devise strategies of convincing Isaiah to open up and explain his issues. Lack of understanding would make Isaiah shy away from telling the truth, and that would hinder the entire counselling exercise.
Things Isaiah would expect from Jane and the system
Isaiah would expect Jane to be friendlier so that he can openly express his mental issues to her. Punching his girlfriend probably resulted from number issues that seemed to have overwhelmed Isiah and hence he expects Jane to be mo...
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