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Sociological Imagination Essay

Essay Instructions:

SOCI 100W: Writing Workshop, Spring 2015 Assignment Prompt: Sociological Imagination Essay 

September 21: Two copies of the completed paper with two copies of the peer review cover sheet 

September 28: Revised draft with the assignment cover sheet 


For this assignment, you will write a four-page (approximately) essay on C. Wright Mills’s concept, “the sociological imagination.” There will be two main components to this essay. First, you must clearly, thoroughly, and accurately explain what Mills means by “the sociological imagination.” Write this explanation for someone who hasn’t read Mills’s original piece. 

Second, use one or more examples from your own life to illustrate the concept. How can you evaluate your personal history from a sociological perspective? How might your personal “troubles” be related to public “issues”? How has your own “biography” been affected by wider social/historical patterns? You may choose to approach this task by concentrating on one aspect of your life; for instance, by writing about your educational experiences or your family life. Alternatively, you may choose to draw examples from several different aspects of your life.


Your grade on this paper will be based on: 

 How well you explain what Mills meant by “the sociological imagination”;  How well you demonstrate the connections between biography and history and troubles and issues in your own life;  The overall quality of writing; and  Your adherence to basic guidelines established on this prompt, on the syllabus, and in Chapter 2 of A Sociology Writer’s Guide.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociological Imagination Essay
Institutional Affiliation;
Sociology remains one of the unfathomable disciplines that give a perspective on the analysis of society. This element is introduced by C. Wright Mills "The Sociological Imagination". Mills alludes that an individual needs to have a total understanding of his society in order to understand the society. This aspect is what Mills refers to as social imagination or rather described as the quality of the mind to grapple his biography and history and the ties that exist between the two proponents within a society (Duarte, 2009).
It is, therefore, significant to ascertain that the studies in International Relations are closely linked on Social Imaginations that revolved around innovative concepts that involve the society and biography. This paper, therefore, seeks to explore Mills Concept of Social imagination and then determine how the concepts can be applied in an individual’s life.
C. Wright Mill’s Concept on Sociological Imagination
Mills had an objective to reform the society by ensuring that sociology is popularized through the theory of social imagination since this aspect links our personal lives and experiences with the social world at large. Through social imagination, an individual is in a capacity to analyze his/her personal issues through a process that recognizes and links the macro scale environment aspects such as political, economic, and social institutions (Duarte, 2009).
Mills argues that individuals are in a position to therefore have an understanding of their experiences and weigh them on the scale of fate by locating their selves within a given social period, a factor that enables them to determine their chances of becoming aware of particular circumstances within their lives.
Mills school of thought holds that instead of focusing on people’s capacity to cope with certain conditions, it is crucial to look at the wider picture. An example is used to someone experiencing an instance of depression post redundancy (Goode, 2008). It is therefore argued that instead of drawing attention to the person’s failure to cope, the problem could be determined due to the existing social structures within the macro environment such as the political and the economic conditions.
In other words, the concept of social imagination as developed by Mill recognizes the fact that anything that happens in the life of a human being in as much as may have a pure personal touch has a social consequence that reflects the issues that a society may face (Goode, 2008). Human behavior and biography are therefore shaped by the proponents of the society and the society as well is equally shaped by the behavior and biography of its inhabitants.
A sociologist trying to determine the reason why two friends like meeting in coffee dens as an approach to socially interact, it is significant first to learn the history of coffee taking. In this, a sociological imagination enables individuals to have a reflective view of the happenings in the society in order to understand the relationship of a person within his society (Hegeman, 2015). This, therefore, improves the social life of a people by increasing their understanding of their placement in the society.
A Personalized Example in My Life
During some period in my life I experienced challenges that resulted from peer pressure. Peer pressure remains an issue in the society, and its effects may in many occasions turn adverse. I struggled to live up to the standards of my expectations, a factor that affected my studies and the manner in which I related with my parents. Several initiatives were developed around school to deal with the issues...
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