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Effective Communication Skills

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer

To write this essay, you must write it from a nurse point of view.

I'm only uploading a similar video to the one i will be handing with the essay.

The original video will be me as student nurse interviewing my sister an employment consultant on the "importance of effective communication skills" at her workplace

sample video


My sister and i will be conducting an interview like, her as an employment consultant and me as a student nurse

I have also uploaded a template of the essay.

please use in-text reference

use only current(2008 to onward) evidence based practice and research.

please follow the assignment details page to guide you

follow part A

Please write this reflective as a nursing student.

below are are some references for books and journals

-please use those books and journal to assist in writing this essay 

Hazelwood, Z., & Shakespeare-Finch, J. (2010). I’m listening: Communication for health professionals. Brisbane, Australia: Inn Press. 

Hazelwood, Z.J., (2012). Attachment insecurities and relationship self-regulation. In P. Noller & G. Karantzas (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of couples and family relationships (p. 223-233). New York, USA: Wiley.

Murray, A.J., & Hazelwood, Z.J. (2011). Being grateful: Does it bring us closer? Gratitude, attachment and intimacy in romantic relationships. Journal of Relationships Research, 2, 17-25. Doi: 10.1375/jrr.2.1.17

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effective Communication Skills
Nursing within the health care science remains an essential element in serving the needs of humanity as a spiritual and a biopsychosocial being. This practice, therefore, requires both the scientific knowledge and the interpersonal, technical, and intellectual abilities and skills (Attard, McArthur, Riitano, Aromataris, Bollen, & Pearson, 2015). This, therefore, translate into the fact that as a nurse, I need a composition of in-depth knowledge that is weaved between clinical work and braced with interpersonal communication in order to meet the needs of this field.
Effective Communication Skills
To meet the requirements of the nursing sector, I carried out an interview with my sister who works for Tursa Employment Services. She has been working with the company for eight years. Irene works as an employment advisor dealing with the employers and customers in finding the right labour force.
Irene critically determined that fact that an effective communication is essential since it initiates dialogue through an interpersonal environment with a specified skill in verbal communication (Attard, et.al). Effective communication skills at the work place according to her, remains a significant factor in nursing with the capacity to contribute to the successful development of a workplace relationship that promotes a respectful and appropriate professional client care and relationship.
Irene’s views concurred with my the knowledge i have gained in my field since I have realized that good communication created between the nurses on duty and patients is essential for the achievement of a successful individualized outcome in the care of each patient. In many accounts, our department noted challenges in coordinating appropriate health care services due to a lack of adequate communication. In many incidences, there was a lack of communication between nurses, a factor that resulted in medical errors and patient Unsatisfaction. This same incidence remains a challenge in several health facilities, a factor that solidly requires the initiation of a proper communication approach.
I took a personally initiative of helping nurses understand the need of helping their patients through an approach that demonstrates kindness, courtesy, and sincerity (Connolly, Thomas, Orford, Schofield, Whiteside, Morris, & Heaven, 2014). As a collaborative team, we have also devoted time to the patients to communicate with the patients and their families in a confidential manner, a factor that improves the way in which we deliver services within the unit. In this paper, I will underline the essence of effective communication within the nursing sector with the aim of promoting workplace relationships.
Principles of Communication
Effective communication skills a described by my sister is an art of communication as a transaction that creates a message from one person to the other. To apply the element of communication within the workplace, it is important that we consider an accurate, easy and consistent approach that ensures the patients are satisfied, and the health professionals are also protected (Davis Boykins, 2014). When we fail to train the health practitioners on effective communication, they are bound to face challenges in separating the work issues from their personal lives, thus forcing them to transfer their issues from one point to the other.
We, therefore, need to realize that communication remains an intrinsic element in human nature that should be spurred with content and value (González-de Paz, Kostov, López-Pina, Solans-Julián, Dolors, & Sisó-Almirall, 2015). In developing an effective communication approach within the workplace we as practicing nurses need to be in a position where we can integrate a variety of strategies to ensure that our professionalized practice is aligned with the health and social care needs that achieve the objectives of healthcare and facilitates a positive relation within the workplace.
As stated by Happell, Platania-Phung, Scott, & Nankivell, (2014), as a team, we should consider the fact that there are various communicative approaches. This clearly indicates that you as a practitioner handling a particular unit need to ensure that your approach is tailored accordingly to the individual needs of the patients you attend to in that particular unit. Practitioners, therefore, need to incorporate the elements of humanism, behaviourism, cognitive, psychoanalytical and social principles in their practice that develop appropriate communicational techniques within the health sector.
An instance of this can be depicted with the humanistic theory that can be applied in a situation where people are involved in the aspects of self-esteem, self-actualization, dignity, honour and self-conception (Hazelwood, & Shakespeare-Finch, 2010). Through this approach, practitioners are required to embrace the fact that every patient has the capacity of being good, to contribute positively, enjoy life, including being a loving and lovable individual within the society. We should, therefore, train our nurses on the approaches in order to adequately care for the service users in a humanistic way through the integration of the efficient and relevant communication principles that would yield results.
Communication Skills in a Health Care Setting
In an interview with Irene, the essence of an effective communication remains in sending the right information that can be understood by a receiver. Within our department, we have developed decisive approaches of updating variable communication techniques with the aim of achieving our institutions aims and objectives. One of the most effective approaches that we have enhanced in order to improve on our service delivery methods is in ensuring that there is an effective handover that is conceptualized through an efficient communication among our professionals (Hazelwood, 2012). This primarily happens during the shifts and is essential since it updates the incoming nurses on the progress of the patient. I have personally discovered that handing over is one of th...
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