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Indigenous People Roles, Climate Change Negotiations Outcomes, and Demands for COP26

Essay Instructions:

COP26 starts in Glasgow on Nov 1. Many people feel this is the ‘do or die’ moment for serious global action on climate change.
Indigenous peoples from around the world (not only from the Amazon) believe that they have a particular stake in the outcome and have a distinctive voice and perspective to bring ‘to the table.’ Your task in this essay is to discuss what and why.
Specifically, your assignment is to consider these linked questions:
1. What distinctive visions/ claims/ roles do indigenous peoples say they bring to global discussions about protecting the planet from the ravages of climate change – what do they say they bring to this COP that is unique, or at least distinctive? Why should they have a ‘place at the table’ when there are arguably hundreds of other groups/ interests who would also say they should be there?
2. Why do indigenous peoples feel they have a particular stake in the outcomes of climate change global negotiations – what’s at stake for them that’s different from anyone else?
3. Do indigenous peoples have specific demands for COP26? Specific demands in terms of their participation, and in terms of the negotiated climate change agreements?
Here’s how you’ll answer these questions:
1) READ these THREE short news items/ essays:
• https://www(dot)fordfoundation(dot)org/just-matters/just-matters/posts/this-alliance-of-indigenous- peoples-brings-climate-solutions-to-cop26/
• https://togetherband(dot)org/blogs/news/indigenous-peoples-cop26
• https://www(dot)corporateknights(dot)com/climate-and-carbon/indigenous-barriers-to-cop26/
2) Find another THREE news items/ briefings/ primers on the roles and demands of indigenous peoples vis a vis COP26. You can use more than 3, but not fewer.
When and What to turn in?
Your paper is due on WEDNESDAY NOV 3 IN CLASS – do not try to email to me, nor to load on BB.
3 typed pages, max. Double spaced, regular margins, 12-point font. Make sure you clearly and carefully identify all sources. Remember: Wikipedia is NOT a source in itself. Use reliable, authoritative, and reputable news sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

COP26 Global
(Student’s Name)
(Affiliated Institution)
(Instructor’s Name)
COP26 Global
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2021, dubbed COP26, is taking place in Glasgow. It is the 26th since its inception. It is global as it encompasses all countries, agencies, international organizations, and leaders coming together in seeking a solution to climate change. The event is crucial to making sound decisions that will help transform the lives of people with different backgrounds. Indigenous people used to fall under marginalized groups, but due to recent activities and programs they have initiated concerning climate change, no one can ignore their impact and role in COP26 (Klinkenberg, 2021). Therefore, it is essential to highlight the distinctive roles indigenous people bring to COP26, their particular take in the outcome of climate change global negotiations, and their specific demands for COP26.
Indigenous people play a critical role in protecting the planet from the ravages of climate change, particularly in global discussions. These people are uniting to raise their voices in raising awareness of the importance of protecting nature. It is accomplished by fighting against climate change. Additionally, they are advocating for the rights of marginalized groups by spearheading the fight against inequality. Most indigenous people depend entirely on natural resources, making them vulnerable to climate change. Because of their dependence on natural resources, they must be at the table during the discussions concerning climate change. They will be close to leaders and world influencers who make important decisions regarding climate change. Even though indigenous people make only 5% of the world population, they inhabit and control 80% of global biodiversity. They bring a unique contribution to COP26 as they are the custodians of natural resources and critical participants in the successful discussion on climate change. They are crucial to biodiversity and fruitful ecosystem maintenance (Silva et al., 2021). Since they are indigenous people, they are essential to curbing global warming that has resulted from climate change. Therefore, it is worth it to participate in discussions that affect climate change like this COP26.
Indigenous people feel that they have a particular stake in the climate change global negotiation outcomes because they inhabit areas full of natural resources. Alliance members have empowered indigenous people and understand their role on national levels due to their important role in protecting biodiversity and endangered species (Kevin & Farah, 2021). Together with other interventions, indigenous people can reduce the risk of diseases and pandemic emergence. These people are passionate and united despite their differences in languages and locations. They have campaigned and written slogans like, “If Not Us Then Who?” to communicate their intention and position regarding climate change. Many Indigenous people have come out to tell the world what ails their respective lands. Fo...
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