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Cyber Stings on Child Sexual Abuse, Prostitution, and Pornography

Essay Instructions:

In a cyber sting, police discovered child pornography on the computer of a local man. They were able to identify one of the child "actors" as a local girl, Jennifer, a 16-year-old who had been arrested numerous times for prostitution. Upon investigation, they discovered that the girl's mother knew both of her prostitution activities and her posing for the pornographic video. Furthermore, Jennifer indicated that she had engaged in this activity voluntarily and was happy with the income that it brought to her and her family. Her only alternative to this lifestyle, she indicated, was to join the Army, which she was willing to do, but her mother objected.

Since both Jennifer and her mother are willing participants, is the subject of the original cyber sting guilty of a crime? Why or why not? Is the mother guilty of a crime? Why or why not? Can Jennifer be prevented by her mother from joining the Army? Why or why not? Should she be?

Address these questions in a paper of approximately 2,200 words. Again, you do not need to go outside the assigned readings, and you should use the paper to demonstrate what you have learned from the assigned materials.

Citation for reference used:
Wallace, H., Roberson, C., & Globokar, J. L. (2019). Family violence: Legal, medical, and social perspectives. Routledge

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Child Sexual Abuse/Prostitution & Pornography
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Child Sexual Abuse/ Prostitution & Pornography
Child exploitation in terms of child pornography has become a common thing across the world. Technological advancement has made it easier for perpetrators to produce and sell child pornography. In most parts of the world, a child is considered an individual below the age of eighteen years. However, some countries consider children as people under the age of twenty-one years. The production of viewing of child pornography is illegal. In 1987, the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section website was developed to help enforce federal statutes that protect children from being victims of abuse and sexual exploitation. This paper will focus on Jennifer’s case study to show that the involved parties are guilty of a crime.
The first victim is the individual that was caught watching a pornographic video. The local man is guilty of a crime because the federal law forbids people from producing and viewing any sexual content involving a minor. The victim is aware that the pornographic content involved a child, and therefore, he should not have watched it. Although Jennifer claims to have acted the pornographic content willingly, the video depicts acts of child pornography, and therefore, it is illegal to have it or watch it. More than one million young girls are coerced or tricked into child pornography at a young age. This industry is considered a billion-dollar business, and therefore, this has contributed to the high number of pornographic content involving children. The law is clear that minors should not be engaged in any type of sex movies or photographs, and therefore, the man is guilty of having pornography on his computer.
The man is also guilty of the crime of distributing pornographic content. The fact that he had such videos of various girls makes it unclear what he planned to do with the content. The chances are that he planned to watch or sell them. Regardless of his intention, he committed a federal crime that deserves a punishment. Older people are expected to guide the young on what is good or bad in society. Given that the man is aged, he is expected to fight against the production and distribution of pornographic materials. Many young girls get involved in the production of pornography by being forced or tricked to carry out the action. The coercion of tricking is done by aged people who understand the amount of money they could get from such content. These people are supposed to act as role models for young people instead of forcing them to engage in illegal activities. The man is promoting child pornography instead of being a role model to the young, and therefore, he is guilty of a crime.
The second victim of the case study is Jennifer’s mother. As a parent and a grownup, Jennifer’s mother should protect her daughter from engaging in any harmful acts that can negatively affect her future. Jennifer has been severely arrested, for prostitution, indicating that she was already engaging in illegal behavior. Jennifer is a minor that needs a parent’s guidance, and therefore, her mother has the sole responsibility of approving the daughter’s decision. According to federal law, a child is not allowed to consent to anything, especially illegal activities. The mother knew that Jennifer’s participation in child pornography meant that she was already guilty of a crime. She knew that an act against the law was occurring but did not consider reporting her daughter to the authorities. She also did not try to stop her daughter from participating in child pornography.
The mother is also guilty of child bondage. Child bondage involves a situation where a child is engaged in child pornography in exchange for financial gains. According to Jennifer, the money she was making from prostitution and child pornography has been helping her family, and this is the main reason she is engaging in the acts. Her mother is part of the family that is highly benefiting from the money being obtained by Jennifer through illegal activities. This means she is indirectly exposing Jennifer to child bondage and, therefore, guilty of a crime. Jennifer’s mother will thus be incarcerated. This process might negatively affect Jennifer’s wellbeing, and hence, she needs a lot of guidance to prepare her for the situation. The children suffer the most whenever a parent is incarcerated because they find it challenging to deal with social change (Wallace et al., 2019). For instance, if the child has a single parent, they might be forced to move to a foster home. Such a situation would be more challenging to the child, and the changes might worsen her behavior. Jennifer has already expressed signs of misbehaving when she doesn’t get what she needs. Another reason Jennifer is engaging in prostitution is that her mother has denied her permission to join the army as she wanted. This is an example of repulsive behavior that could worsen if her life undergoes the social change of incarcerating the mother. However, this does not mean that the mother should not be charged for her crimes. The social services workers would come up with a way of ensuring that Jennifer gets necessary assistance.
Statistics indicate that children who engage in prostitution at an early age are more likely to engage in child pornography (Wallace et al., 2019). Jennifer is a perfect example of such statistics because she has been arrested several times due to prostitution. This means that she knows the activity is illegal but continues to engage in it. Such shows the signs of behavior that is likely to worsen. If an action is not taken, Jennifer’s mother will continue allowing her to engage in child pornography, an act that could ruin her life. Once she has become an adult, she will have more freedom to engage in any activity she wishes to. However, if the behavior is corrected at an early age, Jennifer will have fewer chances of engaging in negative behaviors that her chi...
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