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Insights on Neanderthals and Denisovans: Their Ancient DNA and Genomes

Essay Instructions:

You have now watched all three episodes of "Becoming Human," a documentary series on human evolution. In the previous module, we watched the first two episodes and in our introduction to the first episode there was a brief discussion of one of the claims presented, namely that research showed the brain of early hominins had similarities to human brains that living primates like chimpanzees do not. Remember from that discussion that the claims presented in the video were criticized in peer-reviewed research that came out after the video aired.

You have just completed watching the final episode of the series on Neanderthals and modern humans, "Last Human Standing." However, when the documentary aired in 2009, the research on paleogenomics was only just starting and what the video claims is no longer current. Late in the episode the narrator states, "With no evidence of interbreeding, it now seems more likely that as our population grew, we simply pushed the Neanderthals out of their environments." Paleogenomic research since this time paints a very different picture of what happened, not only with Neanderthals, but with a second species of hominins known as the Denisovans, who are described in this Leakey Foundation podcast you can listen to for free (Links to an external site.). Svante Pääbo, the Swedish geneticist who appeared in "Last Human Standing" has led the paleogenomic research, and with his team has been responsible for the new discoveries. Many of the most significant findings since the "Becoming Human" documentary aired are discussed by Pääbo in this lecture:

First make sure you have read chapter 11 ("Archaic Humans") of the Explorations textbook, especially the boxed discussion "Special Topic: Ancient DNA" near the end of the chapter. Once you have done that, watch and listen to Pääbo's lecture above. He will review some of the important paleogenomic discoveries that occurred after "Last Human Standing" was made. As Pääbo goes through his research timeline, you will understand why the information in the "Becoming Human" documentary is wrong given what we now know. Although the lecture is intended for a general audience, some things he discusses will be challenging for you. This is why it is good to read the textbook chapter first. Don't worry if you don't understand everything in the lecture, just keep listening and he will cover the essential findings. Even more recently, Pääbo and co-author Hugo Zeberg have asserted a connection between severe COVID-19 cases and the Neanderthal genome (Links to an external site.).

After you have finished listening to the lecture you will write a 700 word update on the what the genetics research on the Neanderthals and Denisovans now shows us about those species and about our own. In your response, you should answer the following series of questions:

Who are the Neanderthals and the Denisovans?

What does the "Last Human Standing " documentary say about the paleogenetic research on Neanderthals and Denisovans? Why did the documentary get it wrong? What has happened since the documentary aired? Discuss some information from the lecture by Svante Pääbo to update the film.

What does ancient DNA (aDNA) teach us about each of these species? Which human populations are they connected to?

What can their genomes tell us about their population structures?

What does this research show us about our own evolutionary trajectory as modern humans?

Finally, use the internet to find a news article describing recent (2020-2021) paleogenetic research findings related to either Neanderthals or Denisovans. Describe the findings and explain why they are significant

As always, you are welcome to exceed the length requirement (your response should simply be more than 700 words long). When you are finished, place a word count at the bottom of your assignment that looks like this:

[768 Words]

You should use APA citations and references for any sources you use in your paper. Remember, if you don't remember how to do APA citations and references, you can find more information here.

Please make sure your work is your own-- the paper you write will automatically be reviewed by turnitin.com, an internet-based plagiarism detection device. After you submit the paper on Canvas, it will be reviewed automatically and assigned a similarity score (Links to an external site.). Your paper must be in the blue or green zones (have less than 25% similarity to other papers) and not in the yellow or orange in order to be acceptable, otherwise your grade will be reduced, quite possibly to a zero for the assignment. You will also not be allowed to resubmit a new paper. If you are not certain what constitutes plagiarism, you may refer to the information on the Academic Honesty Contract page. It is very important that you write your own paper.

link to lecture: https://youtu(dot)be/w4TLaRSJN2k

link to documentary: https://www(dot)dailymotion(dot)com/video/x3oatqe

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Neanderthals and Denisovans: Insights
Neanderthals and Denisovans: Insights
The Neanderthals and Denisovans are archaic relative to modern humans. Currently, their origins and relationship with humans are shrouded in mystery, but through scientific work in the field of genetics, more and more information is being uncovered. Neanderthals are a prominent group of hominins as they have appeared in plenty of locations around the world. Scientists are discovering that there has been more to the Neanderthals than what they have previously imagined. By examining the remains of ancient people, we have recorded the features and possible lifestyles of the Neanderthals as well as the species of the modern human (Henry, 1997). Neanderthals have robust anatomic features and traits that show how they have adapted to living in cold climates and possibly higher altitudes. Modern studies have uncovered greater evidence to show the geographic location of Neanderthal territories, which are in Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia. Studying the physical features of the Neanderthals reveal an adaptation to living in cold, dry environments. The Denisovans, on the other hand, are another hominin group that shows a common ancestor with the Neanderthals. Currently, the scientific community is not sure whether Denisovans are a subspecies of Homo sapiens or an entirely own species themselves. However, there are emerging studies that show evidence of interbreeding of these ancient people with the ancestors of some modern indigenous tribes, specifically near Polynesian areas. Genetic studies have revealed that Denisovan genes are present in some modern humans belonging to southeast Asia, Tibet, Papua New Guinea, and Australia.
DNA studies have revealed that there are high similarities in the genome of humans and Neanderthals, meaning that somewhere along with our history, humans, homo sapiens, have indeed interbred with some Neanderthals. In the documentary, they revealed an outdated perspective about Neanderthals and their interaction with humans (Shook et al., 2021). The scientific community initially thought that Neanderthals were much m...
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