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Why Undocumented Immigrants Have A Positive Impact On The United States Economy

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Why Undocumented Immigrants have a Positive Impact on the United States Economy
Problems with the U.S Economy Are Mostly Attributable to Undocumented Immigrants from Latin America. Agree or Disagree Using Reputable Sources to Back Up Your Claims.
The issue of illegal immigration sparks heated debates across America. Many of the advocates of deportation of illegal immigrants cite that they hurt the American economy. They believe that illegal immigrants should be flushed out of the country, but numerous researches have shown that illegal immigrants contribute more to the economy than they receive in their lifetime. Despite the overwhelming evidence of the role played by illegal immigrants, the issue has been heavily politicized, and it has become divisive and controversial. However, this essay makes a case as to why I agree that undocumented immigrants do not hurt the US economy.
They create jobs. Some illegal immigrants who have entered the suited states are either educated and can start and manage small entrepreneurial ventures. Despite the challenges of living in the United States illegally, they create employment for themselves and others CITATION Dus17 \l 1033 (McKissen, 2017). some of the immigrants do not necessarily leave their countries because they are criminals, but push factors such as high unemployment, lack of incentivized investment in the small enterprise economy and political factors. Some of them have had a business which was destroyed by criminals and or were choked out of existence by economic factors such as hyperinflation which has plagued some countries like Venezuela and Argentina. These individuals are not necessarily incompetent or job seekers, they are looking for favourable conditions to set up their businesses. They come to the US to invest their entrepreneurial skills, and some eventually manage to set up large businesses which not only employ themselves but also other immigrants and some American citizens. Thus, some of them are entrepreneurs and job creators who increase USs GDP.
They inject cheap labor to the US job market. Sone, some of them, are unskilled or desperate to earn means of survival once they enter the united states, they take up any job available. Most of these jobs have been shunned by Americans for their low pay and or other unfavorable working conditions. These immigrants work in various sectors such as building and construction where they erect American buildings, domestic jobs as house helps etc. They fill the labor gap especially in low income earning jobs and has helped many American industries to thrive CITATION Tam12 \l 1033 (Jacoby, 2012). Cheap labor helps American companies to be competitive locally and in the global sphere because of the lower cost of production. the immigrants do not have credentials such as social security numbers to apply for other benefits such as insurance through the employer because of the undocumented status. This helps many industries because they see an opportunity to get cheap labor without ‘benefits’ for the employees. This practice though unethical has helped many industries survive the highly competitive American market for goods and services.
Additionally, some labor-intensive industries such as agriculture largely depend on illegal immigrants to survive CITATION Tam12 \l 1033 (Jacoby, 2012). Picking oranges, apples and other hardly mechanizable activities on the farm have turned to illegal immigrants to supplement their workforce. since most of these jobs do not require specialized education, illegal immigrants help in production, and thus the farmers are able to increase their farm produce. Farmers competitively price their products since labor is cheap. If the farmers were to depend on American labor, they would incur higher expenses stemming from...
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