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Political Ideology Social Sciences Essay Research Paper

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Socialization and its  Effects on Individuals Research Paper
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When it comes to talking about the effects of socialization on me, I can confidently say that it has changed the way I look at different things in the world. It has helped me improved my communication skills. The most influential agents of socialization are family, media, and school. My family has taught me how to speak to other politely; the school I joined in my childhood taught me the basic manners of life and helped me learn new things. Similarly, the cartoons and news channels I used to see have helped me understand how to amend my ways. The characters I see in different drama series or cartoons are both positive and negative, and they have a lot to learn from. Nearly all of the behaviors that I consider to be human nature are the result of socialization.
Almost all opinions on the appropriateness or inappropriateness of a particular government policy or rule, ranging from the gun control system to welfare policies, are a reflection of an individual’s political ideology. In my case, I think that the Democratic Party is the best political party of the United States. It is because the party has been around for nearly two centuries now, was founded by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, and has contributed to the prosperity of the country in one way or the other. The party is dominant due to its unique characteristics. When I read about the history of this political party and compared it with the portfolios of o...
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