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Professional Developmental Progress During The Practicum

Essay Instructions:

There are 9 questions I have helped you partly answers some of the question 1. my beliefs has not changed I have always wanted to help people, 2. Additional areas nothing I can think of but you can put something there, 3, my mentor has helped me under more about the agency, 4, I am motivated but time is so limited for me and I am trying to keep focus on graduation, 5, my greatest accomplishments are empathy, treatment planning, active listening, intake/assessment and self awareness how you can talk on each one OK. 6, my mentor, clinical supervisor, class mates, and professor, and others counselors at my agency. I will have to send you some information on numbers 7 and 8 and #9 is reviewing all my class papers and maybe taking the text you can also add more 2 references, the assignment page and instructions is on part one which are the 9 questions. Instructions of 9 questions also are in articles 6 & 7 first page. take what you need from the articles. I have send what I thought you would need you can also go on your own.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Developmental Progress
Professional Developmental Progress
Counseling approaches studied during the coursework that seems more applicable
During the practicum, my beliefs have not changed. I have always wanted to assist people, and I have been enjoying it during the practicum. During the internship, I found some counseling approaches such as behavioral therapy, family therapy, gestalt therapy cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy more applicable (Cappuzi, 2017). Direct client contact required applying some theories learned in class during counseling sessions to assist clients overcome and cope with the problematic issues in their lives. Apart from the counseling approaches, I learned the necessary information required to write a discharge summary. I wrote a significant number of them to transfer clients from one institution to another. During my last period of my practicum, I wrote a discharge summary for a 62-year-old patient with ADHD. In the discharge summary, I included all the necessary information such as personal data, date of admission, identification, history of present illness, past medical history, hospital course, and condition on discharge.
Some additional areas in the professional development that I want to abstain
While I enjoyed most areas in the counseling guidance and career counseling is one are in my profession that I did not engage in. I want to abstain in the area until I have done more research on it. Guidance and career counseling require not only recognizing the restlessness of the clients but also being able towards specific methods of creating a better future for the clients.
How my professional abilities have been enhanced by the practicum
Practicum has enhanced the ability to have a non-judgmental approach as a counselor. A counselor’s work is not to judge or give clients advice but to help them see things clearly and from an optimistic viewpoint. Practicum has also enhanced the ability to set boundaries professionally. Counselors and therapists should offer ethical therapy, and this can be done if the specialist can establish and maintain healthy boundaries with colleagues a...
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