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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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WAVAW Women Against Violence Against Women

Essay Instructions:


In this four-page essay excluding, you will be required to use sociological concepts and theory(ies) to analyze a contemporary organization, group or social movement that seeks to advance gender and/or racial and/or social equality.


The Organizations I chose:

#1: "WAVAW: Women Against Violence Against Women (www(dot)wavaw(dot)ca)" since it has multiple dimensions while supporting and seeking to advance gender and/or racial and/or social equality.

(if WAVAW is not OK, we can use RED CROSS CANADA which is another contemporary organization that seeks to advance gender and/or racial and/or social equality.)

#2: RED CROSS CANADA (www(dot)redcross(dot)ca)


Similar to the first essay, you will be expected to:

a) identify relevant concepts and theory(ies) that can be used to examine your topic;

b) analyze your topic sociologically using these concepts and theory(ies), along with your scholarly sources; and

c) to draw reasonable conclusions following your analysis.


Importantly, you are expected to provide in-text citations that paraphrase passages from scholarly sources, the textbook, and/or lecture slides. Paraphrasing is different from quoting, meaning that you summarize the quote in your own words, while providing an in-text citation that identifies for the reader the source of the information.


This assignment does not require any additional materials. If you wish to draw from other research on your topic (such as the organization’s website), go for it (just please do not cite Wikipedia). And don’t forget to use your sociological imaginations!




1) A title page with your name, the date, a title if appropriate, the name of your professor, name and number (including section) of the course

2) A short introduction to your topic that includes a thesis statement – 1 paragraph

3) Describe what sociological concepts/theory(ies) you will use to conduct your analysis (take the time to identify, define and explain any relevant key terms). Then turn to the topic you have chosen. What is the focus of the organization or social movement? – approx. ½ - 1 page

4) Provide analysis and discussion of your topic, using the scholarly source you have chosen, along with any relevant concepts and/or theory(ies) from the textbook and slides – 1-2½ pages

5) A brief conclusion – (should remind the reader what you set out to do and summarize the key arguments discussed in your paper) – approx ½-1 page.

6) Bibliography - include a complete bibliography of the sources used.





Please use the following format for all assignments:


1) Times New Roman or Calibri 12 pt. font

2) Double-spaced (you can use sub-headings, but do not use triple spacing or leave large spaces between sections)

3) Use standard margins

4) Use sub headings if it helps you to organize your thoughts and stay on track

5) Provide page numbers (with the exception of the title page)




Purdue APA Style Guide



VI. MARKING MATRIX - Attach this page to the front of the term paper when submitting essay




Application of theory and concepts

·Assignment clearly explains and defines key terms and concepts?

  · Applies relevant sociological theories/concepts to newspaper article?

  · Adequate theory development with data development?


Evidence of critical thinking and reading

· Is there understanding of course readings?

  · Have you identified significant/critical questions?

  · Is there effective use of scholarly source in analysis?

· Is there use of appropriate examples and social observation?


Clarity of written presentation

· Sentence and essay structure is clear and coherent?

  · Is there a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph?

· Is there a logical argument & sound conceptual development?



· Sections are clearly delineated with complete paragraphs?

  · Do paragraphs address one idea/item and are coherent?

  · Is there appropriate use of APA citation style (in-text citations are used correctly; complete bibliography provided)?

  · Are there page numbers?

  · No excessive spaces between paragraphs or sections?


TOTAL: /25

Comments in Paper

Key: RP (rephrase); SC (Sentence Construction); SF (Sentence Fragment); WC (Word Choice); ? (unclear); S (source?, needs substantiation)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women against Violence against Women
Compared to the earlier centuries, the present society had advanced and changed in various ways. The early-day perceptions are now being changed gradually, either through progressive advancement, or mild force. While this has been the case, however, there as certain practices that seems not to be fading away with time. One of such issues is gender-based violence, especially one that is directed towards women. The issue of violence against women has been a challenge to almost all the countries in the world. The problem is prevalent in developing and war zone countries because women in those countries are not familiar with the rights they possess. Violence against women is said to be a major cause of death for females in the childbearing age. One unfortunate thing about the violence against women is that it even happens in the hands of very close individuals such as the women’s relatives. In the last two decades, positive changes have been observed in the fight against women with the number of female activists increasing exponentially. The UN, for instance, takes the war on ending violence against women to head on something evident by the fact that they have classified it among their four top agendas. Fighting for the rights of women is something that needs the support of each member of the society because it is the only way of making sure that the fight is worn.
Feminist Theory
The Feminist Theory refers to the way in which people view the social world regarding the issue of gender inequality, with a distinctive look at precisely how women are treated and the role of women in the society (Heise, 2018). Through the feminist theories, a clear picture of the role that women have in the society is brought out. Additionally, the theory also outlines the challenges that women face as they struggle to get their rightful positions in society (Straus, 2017). One important thing worth noting about the feminist theory is that it does not only focus on the issue of women. In reality, however, it is a theory that focuses on finding out the deep-rooted forces that encourage injustices, inequality, oppression, and many others (Stockl et al., 2014). The theory tries to get permanent solutions to such problems in the society without necessarily having to consider the plight of one gender only.
Historically women have been perceived as the weak gender as compared to the men. In many instances, men are given the lion’s share when it comes to opportunities and rights in almost all parts of the world (Jewkes et al., 2015). In addition to the traditional roles of being the leaders of and providers of their families, this means that men have virtually all the power and authority over women. The notion of superiority emanates from this realization that they have been handed virtually all the main roles in the society. Such matters tend to shape the thinking of a good number of people in society. The feminist theory, therefore, advocates for equal treatment for both genders. They insist that women can perform exceptionally well in different fields in if the environment is conducive.
WAVAW (Women against violence against women) is the largest rape crisis center. The center caters to the needs of survivors of sexualized violence from all parts of the globe. The organization has been solving issues related to sexual violence for over three decades, which means they have a wide array of experience in the field (Perry, 2013). They offer the victims legal assistance and counseling in their program, and they discovered that men are the largest perpetrators of sexual violence. Even though largely underestimated, men can also realize that they can be important agents against such violence, as they provide the first line of reaction and response for women. They can, therefore, play an important role, especially in cases where the response from ...
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