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Journal 10 Prompt 4: Connect with Art

Essay Instructions:

For the weekly journal assignment, write 200-400 words (about one double-spaced page) on one of the following prompts. The journal assignments are meant to guide your reading comprehension, inspire reflection, create a personal connection, and encourage you to have new philosophical experiences. The journals might even be - yes it’s possible - fun to write.

There are 12 journal assignments during the quarter, due at midnight on Mondays (except the two weeks when papers are due and on holidays). You must submit your journal through iLearn each week. I will not accept them through email without a conversation. Each one is worth three points, and together they make up 40% of your grade. Your lowest 2 scores will be dropped, so you can skip two journals with no negative effect.

There are four prompts to choose from. Throughout the semester, you must write on each prompt at least twice, although you can decide which prompt to use for each particular week.

Prompt 4: Connect with Art

Philosophy is everywhere, in music, film, and books, and on TV and the news. Link to an image image, audio file, video, text, etc. that relates to the week’s reading, along with an explanation of how it relates to the assigned reading. For example, how does an idea from the class relate to your favorite TV show?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal 10
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Journal 10
Prompt 4: Connect with Art
In “God and the Good Life”, the principles of living a good and meaningful life are explored to answer the big questions in life. The idea of living a fulfilling life can be connected to the YouTube video “Friedrich Nietzsche” published by the School of life on October 10, 2014. In the video, the narrator highlights the four main recommendations that Nietzsche believes are necessary for one to live a fulfilling life. These thoughts include; a) owning up to envy, b) denial of Christianity, c) avoidance of alcohol use, and d) God is dead.
In owning up to envy, Nietzsche believed that the religious teachings largely mislead people to perceive envy as evil. However, it is the same envy that speeds the journey of one’s success to become a great entrepreneur such ...
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