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American Politics.Political influence on China-United States Relations

Essay Instructions:

In addition, you have an option to write a 5 page typed paper comparing an aspect of your country(China) with an aspect of the US that you find interesting. They should be something interesting about the politics between China and America.

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Political influence on China-United States Relations Student Name Institutional Affiliation
Political influence on China-United States Relations Political influence on the China and United States relations has significantly determined the trend and new development between the two countries. Trade plays an important role in the world. The economic and trade relation between China and the United States has rapidly grown over the past years. The two countries are the world’s largest economies, which has an impact on the global economy. While the US comes second as China’s most substantial trade partner, China has developed to become the largest trading partner of the US (Tiffany & Chung, 2018). Recently, there has been trading friction between the two countries, which has remained a major source of mutual tension and has raised concern over its potential influence on the global economy. Trade relations between China and the US has been affected by several factors, but politics has been the main influence. Further, the current administrators have differences that have directly affected the economies and sparked the trade conflict. History of the US-China Relations to PresentIn 1748, Americans had their first relation with China as their ship set sail from New York to the now Guangdong (Cheng, 2012). Their interest was solely economic as the Americans were focusing on a market to buy products that the Chinese were providing. Their relationship grew to American churches leading and pursuing to transform the Chinese to Christianity. Missionaries among other Americans studied the Chinese language and culture first as they began their preaching work in the 1830s. They were involved in the shaping of the American understanding of imperial China. Many Chinese citizens immigrated during the California Gold Rush, and more assisted in the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad (Cheng, 2012). The relations between China and the U.S was good as a result of the commercial, religious and political connections. The American political leaders helped China remain united for their interests when Japan and Europe wanted to break them during their colonial empire expansion. Through the end of World War II, there was an Open door policy that was a significant part of the U.S policy towards China (Cheng, 2012). The policy meant that China would not be controlled which kept it united and reduced exploitation by foreign parties. In 1949, Mao Zedong’s communists pushed Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalists Taiwan, which saw the communists and American forces fight the Korean War. However, in 1972 President Richard Nixon fixed the relationship with the People’s Republic of China. Together, the two economies came together to balance the Soviet Union’s rising power (Cheng, 2012). Deng Xiaoping opened the Chinese economy but upheld the government regulations. In 1999 the relations were questioned when NATO accidentally bombed the Chinese embassy because the Chinese were convinced that the U.S aimed to contain them. During that period, China’s growing military power and its disrespect for human rights raised uncertainty whether the U.S and the Chinese could operate together. Today, the Chinese and U.S government trade together, but without trust, they have different and competing policies, yet have financial and trading relationships shaping the global economy. Impact of Trump’s Administration on the China-U.S relationsTrump started a trade war against China intending to paralyze the economy. In March 2018, the U.S president went on social media and said that his administration has asked China to come up with a plan of a one-billion-dollar trade deficit reduction (Martin, 2018). This has, in turn, led to the tension between the governments, with none of the leaders agreeing to compromise and negotiate. China has been labelled as a competitor and rival power by the U.S president Trump. The tension has escalated hitting China’s economic development and has taken a toll on the stock market and has negatively affected their real estate sector (Chu, 2018). The Chinese are already responding, and because it is a bilateral relation, they would match U.S tariffs once their trade deficit is given by the U.S government. The trade war would impact on the global GDP; high tariffs would slow the growth of the GDP and result in a global economic loss (Chu, 2018). Trump’s policies of trade increase the probability of conflict because of involving national security and economics. The policies would also prevent China from exporting modern technology by cutting their access to western markets, and this would slow its rise globally. The European Union and Japan like the U.S have concerns about the Chinese industrial espionage. Trump’s administration with its trade policies prevents the ability of the Chinese government to demand technology transfers from privately owned companies.Chinese scholars do not see any risk of a trade war between the count...
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