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Effective Communication and Theoretical Terms Related to Identity and Family Systems

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The purpose of this assignment is to prompt reflection and self-awareness of our own developmental history and potential biases. The essay will assess practice behaviors related to effective communication, to the application of theoretical terms related to social identity and family systems, and to the student’s ability for critical analysis. The reflection essay is worth 40% of your grade and due Week 9. The reflection essay should demonstrate the student’s recognition for the importance of difference in shaping lives and ability to use conceptual frameworks in assessment (i.e., with genograms and ecomaps). You are encouraged to select an event that is not too personal or still impacts you. Please only disclose details of the event that you feel comfortable sharing in a confidential manner with your instructor.
This paper should be typed, double-spaced and when appropriate use APA citations for use of assigned readings as supporting references. A title page is required. The total text length should not exceed 8 pages. Use the following outline and grading criteria in developing your essay.
3 points: Introduction. Describe a personal experience or event from a developmental and person-in-environment perspective. State your age and any relevant biopsychosocial developmental stages. Briefly summarize the details of the experience including the impact on you personally, your family, and those around you in your environment.
4 points: Genogram and Ecomap: At the moment of the event, describe your family system and other relevant social systems in 1-2 paragraphs. Provide a family genogram and ecomap. The genogram should go back two generations. There are many templates for genograms to choose from – see The Multicultural Family Institute’s Standard Symbols for Genograms. Include relevant family information, such as: culture of origin, immigration information (if applicable), health conditions, and occupations. The ecomap should depict the nature of the connections between your family and external systems (i.e., strong supportive connections, tenuous connections, stressful connections…). These diagrams may be computer-generated or neatly hand-drawn on one standard or legal sized page.
10 points: Analysis of event using family systems terms. Choose three or more theoretical terms to demonstrate how family systems could (1) explain why the event occurred, (2) why you and others reacted as you did; (3) what the long-term consequences were for you and your family, or (4) what alternative actions you might have taken at that time.
10 points: Analysis of the event using social identity development terms. Pick a social identity developmental model to apply to your experience of the event. Summarize the identity development model. Then, choose three or more theoretical terms to demonstrate how your social location and identity could (1) explain why the event occurred, (2) why you and others reacted as you did; (3) what long-term consequences were on you or others, or (4) what alternative actions you might have taken at that time.
5 points: Reflections. Upon reflection, answer the following questions: What new insights into the event may have occurred to you when using these theoretical terms for analyzing the event? What strengths will your social identities have on your development as a social worker? What strengths will your family system have on your development as a social worker?
5 points: Recommendations. What recommendations do you have for your career development in terms of attending to the impact of potential biases related to your family system on your social work practice? What recommendations do you have for your career development in terms of attending to the impact of potential biases related to your social identity development on your social work practice? What other steps will you take in your education and learning to hone your skills at applying theories to your social work practice?
3 points: Appropriate use of grammar, sentence structure and APA style used in effective communication. NB: instruction :
A little about my background:
I was born and raised in the eastern part of Nigeria in West African in a family of eleven, nine sibling and my parents.
For Genogram: My family is made up of my mother and my dad, four brothers: the first two are deceased with no kids. Two living boys married without kids. Five girls all married with kids : First sister has 3 girls , I am the second female ,I have 2 girls, third sister has 3 boys , fourth sister has 2 girls and 2 boys and the fifth sister has 2 boys .
I have 23 cousins from paternal side. 10 girls and 13 boys. 3 aunts and 2 uncles. Both Paternal grandparents are late.
From maternal side I have 43 cousins 8 males and 35 females all married with children, both maternal grandparents are late. 3 aunts but 1 deceased, 4 uncles 1 deceased. Each has minimum of 7 kids, except for the deceased that had 4 children.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Family Reflections
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In our community, the land is one of the most valued items that a person can own. Therefore, the social status of people in the society is measured according to the size of the land that they own. It is the obligation of every individual to ensure that they have the necessary documents to safeguard their land from grabbers. However, this has been the case in recent days. When I was growing up, there were no much considerations about having legal documents as proof to the ownership of a particular piece of land. Most people, including my paternal grandparents, did not have title deeds for their land, and they owned a massive piece of land. My aunties and uncles still lived in that land with their children. However, after my paternal grandparents passed away, a rich tycoon came claiming that they had been sold that land a long time ago. They even had papers to prove it. In addition, when I was of age, I came to learn that the papers were fake. It was simply an attempt to grab the land because they knew that we did not have enough documents to prove it. The land was later recovered from the grabbers as a result of one of my uncles who is a lawyer. The process took three years and, this was the most traumatizing period of my family. The whole extended family had to look for new homes. Most of them went to live with their other relatives. My parents were a little bit well up by then and, therefore, we were able to secure another piece of land. However, this was not an easy move because they had to spend some of the money that they had set aside for education. Depending on how life was, I could tell that the issue had affected them a lot. Out of empathy, I was also affected and felt bad when the other students at the school were talking about the issue. It was like they were mocking us because our social status in the society had been degraded. Regardless of the fact that our family was huge, my parents tried their best to give us the best life that they could afford. The cat did not seem to bother our neighbors a lot because they had families to worry about. This means that none of them assisted us financially.
Emotional interdependent describes a situation whereby the family members expect one another to be oh help whenever they need them. Given our situation of having lost land, the emotional interdependent contributed to some extent because we never bothered to the status and ownership of the land after the death of my grandparents. Every family was concerned about their wellbeing, as long as they had shelter above their roof. Also, this explains the reason as to why every family had to look for shelter on their own during the incident. This kind of reaction was caused by the fact that the members of the extended families did not emotionally depend on one another for help, and, therefore, none of the parties expected to get help from the other person. However, one of the uncles, who is a lawyer, displayed a great understanding of emotional interdependence by ensuring that he recovered the family land. He did not limit anyone from going back to the ancestral land. In addition, this affected our family in the fact that my parents had to spend money that was set for education in the purchase of new land. This made our lives challenging. Therefore, if the family considered emotional interdependence as a part of the family system, then we could have stood together top prevent the tycoon from grabbing our land. In the worst scenario of having lost everything, then we could have gathered the resources that we had to find a common home, which could have been cheaper. As well, emotional cutoff contributed to the loss of the land. The family members did not put much concern in protecting the land because they knew that a time would come when each of the members would be required to start different lives away from the rest of the family. The consequences in our family are that we had begun to live a separate life from the rest of the extended family members and, we could rarely meet. This was not the kind of family unit that my grandparents had taught us. They always wished to have everyone around to share both the good and the bad moments. Therefore, we could have all stayed to fight for the land instead of seeking new shelters that fast. In regard to homeostasis, the extended family was forgetting the...
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