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My Duties as a Respiratory Therapist

Essay Instructions:

"This I Believe" Essay

You will write a 500 word essay related to your thoughts on work/career issues. The essay is modeled on the This I Believe reflective essays project. Directions for the essay are provided in Course Content. This assignment provides a baseline assessment of your written communication skills.

FYI I'am a healthcare worker. I work as a respiratory therapist.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Respiratory Therapist
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Respiratory Therapist
A respiratory therapist is a critical occupation in a healthcare environment that requires one to be equipped with different skills. These skills will enable one to work confidently both inside and outside the hospital’s setting. Therefore, I believe that being a respiratory therapist, one has to be equipped with multiple skills that will enable them to deliver satisfactory health care services to all patients. The career is mostly described to be an evaluation and treatment of patients with both chronic and acute dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system (Shelledy and Wiezalis, 2005). This, therefore, requires that one must have an extensive understanding of the pathophysiology of the cardiopulmonary system as well as the compound techniques necessitated to accurately diagnose and treat patients of all years (Rowley, Mayo and Durbin, 2000). Currently, with the experience gained as a respiratory therapist, I believe we have challenging duties correlated to patient care, and thus, serve as a vibrant and dynamic workforce of the healthcare group.
My Duties as a Respiratory Therapist
The obligations I have performed throughout my career as a respiratory therapist are vast. Throughout the academic career course, one is highly trained in ventilation and airway management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and aerosol and oxygen therapy (Rowley, et al 2000). Other duties include caring for patients while testing for cardiac stress and pulmonic functioning. As a respirational therapist, I am also an educator and a specialist. Being in the career, one is obliged to advise patients on various topics related to pulmonary, cardiology, and sleep therapy. In most cases, I have counseled on topics such as cardiorespiratory illness deterrence like smoking termination, risky births and surgeries, and guiding patients in home care rehabilitation to use assistive breathing devices. I have treated patients with health issues such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonic illness, heart illness, and pneumonia.
Not only am ...
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