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The Ethics Of Using Artificial Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

Write a 10 page APA paper about the ethics of using artificial intelligence.

Your paper may only use references from 2016 to 2018. The reference page doesn't add to your page count you need 10 pages of content.

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The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence
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The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an essential science that utilizes robust methods, approaches, and techniques in solving complex real-world based issues. Due to the rapid rise of the uses of AI systems, there have been several debates concerning its safety and ethics. The development of an environment that is highly AI-friendly for people and also a framework that is people-friendly for an AI can be a vital solution in seeking a shared construct for values for both AI technologies and humans (Pavaloiu, 2016). AI systems must operate as per the ethical and moral principles that humans also adhere to. This ensures that such technologies are accepted by all individuals and even the specific environment to which they are intended to be utilized.
This is critical not only in AIs but also other technologies that heavily depend on human-machine collaboration sine mishandling of their values prevents the proper appreciation of AI systems (Wallach, 2016). The paper will analyze the ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence systems and also highlight the moral dilemmas that arise from ethical uses of AIs mainly from preset or acquired values. It will also assess the concerns and potential recommendations that can be applied to solving the moral and ethical problems emerging from the use of AI systems.
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence systems
The future significantly depends on the roles of numerous enterprising fields that have shaped the lives of people. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is recognized as one of those fields that have made practical life profoundly autonomous primarily due to the rapid evolution and development in computer and electronics oriented technologies (Pavaloiu, 2016). There has been the introduction and application of numerous technologies that have made significant leaps in various industries and apart from the particular problems due to such advancements, these technologies have become a vital element in sustaining modern life. With such essential functions of these technologies, individuals now have better lives and have hopeful outlooks for the future.
AIs also include augmented intelligence which means that such systems are created to enhance and scale human skills and expertise rather than replacing them. In technology institutes such as IBM, developers have been concentrating on integrating practical capabilities into AI systems that assist the user in performing clearly defined operations through exploiting several AI-based services. In AI, cognitive computing refers to a particular set of capabilities that are based on technologies which are included in their algorithms. Cognitive computing comprises of machine learning, speech and vision recognition systems, distributed and high-performance computing devices and architectures and also reasoning and decision technologies (Russel, 2016). When all these elements are integrated into an AI system, these capabilities are designed in finding solutions to numerous practical problems, boosting productivity and also enhancement of discoveries across several industries.
Assessment of ethical concerns due to the use of Artificial Intelligence systems
Wallach, (2016) emphasized that the creation of an AI system would not threaten the evolution nor impede the development of humanity. If the development of the AI system presents a problem, then the creation of a people-friendly AI system would prove to be even more difficult for experts. However, it has been recommended that solving the issue of developing a people-friendly AI would take priority. Preventive measures must be employed in ensuring AI safety especially in situations whereby the unexpected outcomes are due to technological advancements (Bostrom, 2016). However, the desire to solve these unforeseen consequences cannot be assured of at the present moment.
As a result, Etzioni & Etzioni, (2017) highlighted that simulations that occur in real and controlled environments would be critical to enable the capturing of unexpected behaviors during the use of AI systems and prevent the occurrence of any significant tragedy. Future implications linked to the use of these technologies must be considered by all ethical institutions, regulatory agencies, and various industries during the initial development stages of an AI system (Bostrom, 2016). The culture of accountability must be nurtured and promoted worldwide to create and effectively maintaining an AI friendly environment.
Most experts in the technology sector have expected the progress of technological advancements to also aid in the progress of societies. However, this can only be successful through the development of an effective ethics module with the proper precautionary measures being taken by developers and also users of these technologies (Russell, 2016). This will also include risk-management evaluations in anticipating all the possible outcomes due to the use of such technologies. Additionally, the safety measures must also extend to all the unpredictable actions that may occur from an autonomous mode of thinking.
Charisi et al., (2017) emphasized on the concept of AIs needing to share similar ethical and moral principles of human begins regardless of whether they are integrated into their design or acquired during modifications to ensure that safety for these technologies is attained. A symbiotic relationship between AIs and their users must be promoted whereby both parties would need each other to evolve and work towards a common objective, rather than opposing roles which contradict their goals.
Moral dilemmas based on acquired or pre-set values
When designing an AI system, an excellent illustration can be utilized in assessing the Asimov Laws for robots as instruments for technology which serve as the primary component for engineering AI technologies, however; these laws did not answer the following ethical problems (Lin, Abney & Jenkins, 2017).
* A robot may not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
* A robot must be obedient to the orders given to them by human beings except for instances whereby these orders conflict with the first principle.
* A robot must primarily protect its existence as long as such a measure does not contradict with the first or second principle.
Lin, Abney & Jenkins, (2017) emphasized that these principles have only led to the introduction of numerous moral issues that indicate that even when a logical framework of principles is applied, it is impossible for these laws to be interpreted by autonomous thinking. Therefore, instilling AI systems with autonomy has only increased the advantages in the use of various technologies, however; this has also led to the emergence of several ethical and legal problems.
A rigid set of values instilled during the design of the AI has led to ethical predicaments especially in the case of autonomous vehicles. A dilemma would arise with self-driving cars when there are pre-set conditions that must be followed. The ethical and moral awareness of such a technology is typically developed and adjusted to ensure that the autonomous vehicle determines on whether breaking the speed limit in exceptional circumstances, might prevent the loss of life of a wounded passenger. This dilemma is associated with the law of prioritizing under specific circumstances while minimizing the potential threat to the life of the user (Lin, Abney & Jenkins, 2017). From an ethical perspective, the wellbeing of the wounded user would rely on the speed of the car in reaching the hospital. Having the capabilities of assessing severe situations and prioritizing the life of the passenger over the speed limit would allow the autonomous vehicle to save the life of the user even at the expense of breaking the values instilled in it.
Additionally, in the creation of the AI, the ethical decision-making process would be difficult whereby empathy is required. An example is where a geriatric-care programmed Ai system with a rigid adherence to the first Asimov principle would not have the capabilities of assessing whether this individual would or would not want to take their medication (Charisi et al., 2017). Such technology must determine whether to allow the geriatric patient to skip the necessary dosage or forcefully administer the drug and whether such an action would harm the patient. Both measures would only harm the geriatric patient to a specific extent.
These dilemmas can only be solved by providing Ai systems with more dynamic elements in their analysis of situations. The AI would then be forced to assess and determine all the possible actions that can be applied and their outcomes to determine which the lesser evil is (Lin, Abney & Jenkins, 2017). Additionally, a bottom-up strategy can be utilized which will allow the AI to learn from experience, instead of being instilled specific pre-conditions that they must adhere to. Acting on habituated responses would enable the AI system to develop moral behaviors in an organic manner depending on the environment and also how it interacts it this environment.
Another method that can be used in instilling AI with proper ethical conduct would involve inverse reinforcement learning which mainly consists of external awareness. Here, the AI system would mostly observe the user’s behavior and would try to evaluate their goals without being strained of its resources (Russell, 2016). The robot could then learn moral conduct by comprehending the basis of human emotions and th...
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