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Plato: Major Contributions to the Study of Philosophy

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is designed to allow you to go into greater depth on four of the key philosophers we will study from each time-period over the course of the semester. These papers are academic in nature and to be research focused on the major philosophical beliefs of each philosopher in question. Each paper will include a little historical background, so you can familiarize yourself with each figure and the time-period they lived in. Secondly it is designed to give you time to engage with their beliefs and process their meaning. Do not over think this paper and use the format I suggest below. My goal is for you to go a little deeper with some of our key figures, so you walk away from the course with a decent understanding of a few important philosophers.

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Philosophy commands respect across multiple disciplines. Philosophical theories form the basis for ethical discussions and influence policies across different spheres of life in the contemporary society. Unfortunately, not many appreciate the intellectuals who laid the foundation for this body of knowledge. This text is concerned with the philosophical developments, traced through the lenses of Plato’s work. It traces the early life of Plato as well as his contributions to the field of philosophy. Particularly, his life and his philosophical footprints are examined. Plato is a father of modern philosophy.
Early Life
Plato is perhaps the most popular man whose works are widely read, debated, and influential in the history of men whose followers can hardly recall their actual names. Plato, actually named Aristocles, after his grandfather, was an Athenian from a rich, distinguished family. Plato’s parents were Ariston (father) and Perictione (Mother); his paternal lineage was traceable back to the god Poseidon as his mother claimed descent from the lawgiver Solon (Brickhouse & Smith, n.d.). Although the definite date remains a subject of speculation, most researchers believe that Plato lived between 428 and 347 BCE. Plato was not just absorbed in the politics and intellectual movements of his time, he used the opportunity to raise profound questions and address them through suggestive and provocative strategies, making his works timelessly relevant.
Although he came from a politically active family, Plato rose to fame through a different career. He was a renowned philosopher who learned from the best, Socrates, and replicated the good work by teaching Aristotle, another distinguished philosopher from the 5th century. Furthermore, Plato wrote more than two dozen philosophical texts. These writings deal with profoundly complex subjects that they earned Plato reverence among scholars worldwide, and many people recognize him as one of the founders of Western Philosophy. Additionally, he was the founder of the Academy, a pioneer academic program that has come to be regarded as the first Western university. In the Academy, Plato greatly emphasized the importance of mathematics and science. Of course, his devotion to mathematics explains why he earned the title of the marker of mathematics.
Major Contributions to the Study of Philosophy
Plato’s fame is largely imputable to one work: the Republic. In the Republic, he explains how a society whose leadership is entrusted to a philosopher is wise. Here, he explored the concept of justice, which has been influential not just in philosophy but in politics as well. This work conceptualizes the ideal state as the basis of existing and emerging states. In Plato’s view, wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice characterize a good community. To explain the concept of justice further, the most vital virtue in the list, Plato divided the society into productive, protective, and governing classes, and explained that justice is only achievable if everyone performs their respective nature ordained duties without interfering with the activities of one another. Put differently, a society is just when everyone has the liberty to go about their duties without interfering with others who are also performing their obligations – a condition that is achievable only through specialization.
Plato further contributed to the discipline of philoso...
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