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Transition From Pre Practicum To Practicum

Essay Instructions:

this summary will be of my papers for the quarter. the summary will be on stages of group developingwhich are the five stages 1. Preaffiliation approach and aviidance behavior,2. power and control, 3. intimacy developing a familia frame of reference,4. differentiation developing group identity and an internal frame of reference 5. separation a time of breaking away, intervening in therapeutic group. Stages of group development, intervention into group, interpersonal skills,decision making,greative thinking, critical thinking, communication, empathy, self awareness, and problem solving. I am sending you all tdhe papers you have done for me on these topices I just need you to write a closing paper on these topices and sum everthing up. I have send you all the papers you did. Give me a few in text citation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation
The first week encompassed my first day in class and the difficulties that were involved in making the transition from pre-practicum to practicum. This included a misunderstanding with the clinical director but I accepted the mistake and made amends. The early stages also involved pre-screening appointments with clients consisting of men in recovery from substance abuse that I carried out in week 2. There were some difficulties with a case manager which I reported to my supervisor.
The second stage of power and control involved carrying out meetings with clients. Power and control is where one client of the group is the leader of the clients (Williams, 2018). The group meetings were led by Mr. Davis. There were disagreements within the group but no real conflicts. To implement the stage of group identity and internal frame of reference in the group I had to be aware of the challenges that may be faced by my group during research.
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