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Personal Portfolio My Professional Goal Statement

Essay Instructions:

This is a personal portfolio with a professional goal statement is number one I have send instructions you can answer number one and number two. I reall do not know what goes into a professional goal statement but I have added some of my background for you to work with You also did a treatment plan for me it has to be in more detail and turn it into a case study in information is missing such as name and age nafter reading you can make one up from dthe treatment plan information for # 2 I need case study with identifying information, showing your counseling dtheoretical perspective, biopsychosocial assessment, a collaboratively constructed treatment plan has to be different from the one you did for me. and a discharge summary.several articles are added take what you need.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal PortfolioNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
My Professional Goal Statement
My greatest goal in life is to make the world a better place. I do believe that one of the best ways through which I can be able to do this is by making use of the knowledge and skills that I have acquired through my experiences in the field of chemical dependence counselling so that I can help people to be on the road towards their recovery. After recovering, thy will begin finding their purpose in life and they will succeed in any of their endeavors.
As part of making sure that I have achieved all my goals in life, I have always maintained my spirit of hard work throughout my undergrad I maintained a high GPA of 3.79. I have always had a passion of changing the lives of people and that is the main reason why I chose chemical dependence so that I can acquire skills to help people come out of addiction and embrace life. I have also various people that I look up to who are winners in different fields and I always work just like them in whatever that I do so that I can come up with various treatment plans to help my clients. I recently worked at the Community Action Against Addiction in Cleveland where I played a great role in coming up with a treatment plan for one of the patients.
Case Study Discharge Sheet
Reasons for coming to facility
The case study that I have handled was the one of a client who had a drug addiction problem for a period of 30 years at Community Action Against Addiction in Cleveland where I worked as a counsellor. The client came to me as the counsellor and they needed help on how they can stop taking alcohol since they felt that it has affected their life negatively.
Treatment Plan
The treatment began with helping the patient withdraw from al...
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