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Human Trafficking in the Heartland of America

Essay Instructions:

The goals of this assignment are to increase your awareness of a major social problem that you might otherwise overlook.

Steps to Complete the Assignment:

Part I Observation

1. Watch the Frontline Documentary about Human Trafficking in the Heartland of America. Take notes during the film. https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/trafficked-in-america/

This is a documentary about the Human Trafficking of Guatemalan teens who were forced to work against their will on an Ohio egg farm in 2014. (1 hour).

2. After watching the documentary make notes on the following three points. These notes will be necessary as you write the essay:

1. Identify the various parts of the social problem both in national and international contexts.

2. Identify concrete ways the problem can be solved.

3. Identify the various ways that individuals became change agents and attempted to solve the problem.

Part II Analysis and Discussion

Write a 5-page, double spaced paper (1,000 to 1,250 words) in which you answer the following questions in essay format. This is a formal essay, spelling, grammar, format, and citations will be graded. Your essay must include an introduction with a thesis statement, the body of the paper, a conclusion, and a reference page. You must use the film and our course text; outside sources are also acceptable.

Essay Questions:

Please be sure to address all parts of each question. Answer according to the film and according to what else you think is possible. Make sure that you address the sources and the film and expand your thinking on the topic logically. Cite the sources and the film in your paper.

1. What are the problems revealed in the film?

a. Identify the main problem and any proximate (related) causes of the problem.

b. Be sure to address issues on national and international levels.

c. Explore how the problem is maintained by a larger system of support including various organizations, institutions, and relationships.

2. Explain how the problem was revealed, pursued and addressed?

a. Be sure to identify specific steps taken by individuals that revealed the problem, pursued the problem, and addressed the problem.

3. What more could have been done or should have been done about this problem?

4. Who do you believe is responsible for this problem? There are any number of actors and entities that one could label as responsible. Explain in detail why you believe a person or persons, an agency, a small or large business, the government, or ordinary people (i.e., consumers) should be held culpable in this situation?

5. What can ordinary people do to stop this problem?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
“Trafficked in America” is a 2014 documentary that shows how Guatemalan teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 years were smuggled into Ohio in the United States of America (USA) to work at an egg farm. Parents of these young people were promised that their children will get work in the USA. They agreed to send these teenagers away due to poverty in Guatemala. Some of the families there had to go without food for some days due to poverty. The paper focuses on human trafficking as shown in “Trafficked in America.”
“Trafficked in America” reveals numerous problems related to human and labor trafficking. In particular, the primary issue was trafficking Guatemalan teenagers to work in Ohio at Trillium Farms. Parents of these young individuals were promised that their children will have a good life in the USA since they will be employed. However, Arnold Castillo, a renowned smuggler, who took teenagers away from their families made it clear that they had to pay $15,000 after work placement (“Trafficked in America,” 2018). Another problem revealed by the documentary is the deplorable conditions in which these teenagers working at the egg farm in Ohio were living. The minors worked for long hours and they lived in abandoned buildings without water. However, they did nothing since they were threatened that their land would be taken away or their family members would be killed if they do not work.
The primary problem as pointed out in “Trafficked in America” is the labor trafficking of minors. Traffickers had identified Guatemala since it was easy for them to convince parents to give away their children for a better life in the USA. In that light, the key cause of the issue is poverty. Many families in Guatemala live below the poverty line. Some days they go without food, which was why they gave their children away so that they can have better lives in the USA as promised by the human traffickers. Another cause of the human trafficking issue is the corrupt border patrol officers. For instance, many teenagers were detained by border patrol officers since they did not have legal documents to enter the USA. However, they were later released to traffickers (Barnes, 2018). As such, it appears that some border patrol officers were corrupt and knew about labor trafficking for minors.
Human trafficking is a national and international issue. Some farms in the USA facilitate this inhuman act so that they can get cheap labor. Specifically, one way that an organization can generate more profits is by getting workers they can pay low wages. That is why a firm, such as Trillium Farms, contracted a third party to get teenagers from Guatemala who can work for it. Since young individuals are vulnerable and can be manipulated easily, it makes them a target to human traffickers. For example, the Guatemalan teenagers smuggled into the USA to work in the Ohio egg farm were threatened that their parents or siblings will be killed if they do not work so that they can provide required services for more hours without complaining. They were paid $600 per week. Nevertheless, the money was kept by traffickers to pay their debt of $15,000 (“Trafficked in America,” 2018). As a result, human trafficking facilitates smuggling people from one part of the country to another or across the border.
The problem of human trafficking is maintained by a larger and well-connected system, including institutions, organizations, and relationships. For example, in the scenario portrayed in “Trafficked in America,” the issue started with the need for cheap labor. Pablo Duran approached the Ohio egg farm and said that he can help to resolve unemployment (“Trafficked in America,” 2018). He contacted human traffickers, such as Castillo, who convinced parents that he can offer their children better lives in the USA in exchange for $15,000. Due to poverty, many guardians accepted the offer and sent their minors away without knowing the conditions of the work. As such, Duran maintained close relationships with smugglers and organizations that needed cheap labor. In addition, some government agencies or border patrol officers facilitated the process by allowing undocumented teenagers to enter the USA and releasing them to traffickers.
The problem of Guatemalan teenager trafficking was revealed when an uncle to one victim called a local sheriff in Florida. Local and federal law enforcement started investigating the case and they discovered a human traffi...
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