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Influence of Meditation on Athletes Performance

Essay Instructions:

Please write the essay based on the pdf that I submitted and also add three other peered reviews articles and mention some points from them. I need two page double space with reference (APA). fonts times new roman , size 12 .

Research on the cognitive, physiological, neurophysiological and overall well-being connected with meditation has bloomed in the past few years. Choose a research topic or question and find four original peer reviewed research articles that investigate your topic.

Choose one of those papers, and provide a 1-2 page summary of the research. Explain the background, methods, results, and conclusions of the research as well as explain the strengths and limitations of the study. The specific topic area is your choice. Some possible topics are: pain, athletic performance, neurophysiology, anxiety, depression, attention, happiness or others (pending approval from course director). APA style referencing is required.

The objectives of this assignment are as follows:

e@ begin the process of building your literature review/term paper (Assignment #3)

e demonstrate your ability to understand and select appropriate peer reviewed research on meditation

e@ expand your understanding of one specific area of meditation research, based on valid scientific sources

e demonstrate accurate referencing using APA style citations

Grading Criteria

Grading of this assignment is done in a holistic manner, meaning that consideration is given to the document as a whole when assigning a percentage grade. Quality of content, understanding of material and clarity of written thought will be evaluated for completeness, coherence and sophistication. Documents are expected to follow the format and referencing style prescribed.

Deviation from prescribed format will result in a lower grade despite quality of writing and content.

Research Overview & Critical Analysis

e Find four (4) peer reviewed journal articles describing original research (literature reviews, meta analysis, opinion pieces do not count) - original research means the authors conducted an experiment or analysed existing data.

@ Provide a written summary of one of your chosen research papers, clearly describing the background, methods, results conclusions and strengths and limitations of the research. You must use your own words, do not re-word the existin abstract.

e Provide a brief discussion on the implications of the research article

Writing Basics

e Clear and concise writing, with grammar, spelling & sentence structure appropriate for a fourth-year university student.

e = Articulation of thoughts and concepts done with precision and sophistication.

e Summary follows a logical structure — seek help with editing if you need it.


e Cover page (see sample cover page)

1 inch margins

No additional spaces between paragraphs

Paragraphs indented

Size 12 Times New Roman font

Header and page number to appear on each page of document


e References — APA style (Poor, incomplete or missing bibliography will result in lower grades, despite writing style)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Aherne, Moran, and Lonsdale’s article, The effect of mindfulness training on athletes’ flow: An initial investigation, discusses the impact of training an athlete’s mindfulness to flow experiences. Athletes are expected to concentrate on their tasks to complete them successfully. They must ignore distractions that may interfere with their task. According to the researchers, to ensure that athletes can focus well on their tasks, mindfulness training may enable athletes to focus more. The researchers define mindfulness as paying complete attention to what is happening and accepting the situation (Aherne et al., 2011). They also differentiate mindfulness and thought suppression. Additionally, they define flow as a state in which a person focuses entirely on a task and can perform exceptionally well.
The researchers invited thirteen athletes from a University 'High-Performance Center' to partake in the study. The athletes' ages range from 19 to 25. All of them compete in national and international competitions. The athletes were assigned to experimental and control designs. The athletes answered the Flow State Scale-2 to measure their flow experiences while training. It is a tool with 36 items that must be answered after a specific activity to measure the flow. In addition, the athletes completed the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R) to assess their mindful approaches regarding emotional and cognitive aspects. The questionnaire contained 12 items to evaluate participants’ mindfulness (Aherne et al., 2011). Hence, there were two tools used for the study.
The study reveals that athletes who have undergone mindfulness training receive high flow, goals, and control scores. Furthermore, the study suggests that mindfulness training should be used by all athletes rather than just those who struggle with the psychological aspects of their athletic performance. However, the study has limitations too. The tool used was a situation-specific scale, and the researchers did not include any distracters. Nonetheless, the study has still proved that min...
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