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Crisis Intervention Plan in Response to a School Shooting

Essay Instructions:

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc)*. Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

Your name

Your student ID number

The exam name

Your email address

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!


You’ll apply the concepts you’ve learned in this course to develop a crisis intervention plan in response to a school shooting.



The police station receives a report that gunshots have been fired at a local middle school. The initial news is that there are fatalities, and panicked children have called their parents. Now, parents have shown up at the school along with the local media.

Your task as a first responder is to develop a crisis intervention plan. Your plan should include how to do the following:

Determine the cause of the shooting.

Deal with the media and the parents.

Stop the violence before more students get injured or killed.


Your main research source will be your textbook when creating the program for the survivors. You should also use the references listed in this section, or conduct your research using reliable, relevant sources. Whether you agree or disagree with the authors, you must support your argument with reliable material from the provided sources. Also, if you have life experience in this area, you may include this information in your paper.


Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. (2016). Responding to a crisis at a school [PDF file]. Retrieved from http://smhp(dot)psych(dot)ucla(dot)edu/pdfdocs/crisis/crisis.pdf

Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). First responder. Retrieved from https://www(dot)dhs(dot)gov/cisa/first-responder

Office for Victims of Crime. (n.d.). Helping victims of mass violence and terrorism: planning, response, recovery, and resources. Retrieved from https://www(dot)ovc(dot)gov/pubs/mvt-toolkit/

Office for Victims of Crime. (n.d.). The vicarious trauma toolkit. Retrieved from https://vtt(dot)ovc(dot)ojp(dot)gov/

Soma, C. (2017). 10 steps every educator needs to know to create a trauma-informed school. Retrieved from https://starr(dot)org/10-steps-every-educator-needs-to-know-to-create-a-trauma-informed-school/

Writing Guidelines

Keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your report:

Ensure your paper has the following components:

A title page

An introduction

A body containing several paragraphs

A conclusion

A reference page that lists all the sources you used to write your paper

Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12.

Use a standard document format with one-inch margins. (Don't use any fancy or cursive fonts.)

Ensure your project is a minimum of 850 words in length.

Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

Use APA style throughout your paper, including formatting and citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crisis Intervention Plan
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Student’s Name
Crisis Intervention Plan
A crisis intervention plan is integral in addressing different emergencies, including an active shooter incident. After receiving a report of gunshots at a local middle school and there being fatalities and panicking children, a crisis intervention plan is necessary. As the first responder, my plan will entail the following steps:
1 Determining the cause of the shooting.
2 Liaising with the school authorities.
3 Dealing with the parents
4 Dealing with the media, and
5 Preventing violence and talking to the perpetrator(s) if possible
My first undertaking will be to determine the cause of the shooting. I will ensure caution is taken caution by parking the patrol car for several reasons. The first reason is to ensure that the perpetrator(s) do not notice our presence in the event they are still holed up at the scene. Discovering our presence might provoke them to start shooting indiscriminately, which may worsen an already volatile situation. In this case, the most reliable source of credible information would be the security guards working in the school. Liaising with the community plays a pivotal role in helping officers address unforeseen challenges (Office of Justice Programs, 2015). This is because they provide vital information concerning the incident. For instance, they may have information about the gunshots. Was it indiscriminate or sparse? That may provide crucial clues regarding the perpetrator(s).
Step 1: Determining the Cause of the Shooting
Option A
Determining the cause of the shooting is crucial and will inform the rest course of action. If, for instance, the perpetrator is a lone shooter and a student, the situation might not prove complicated. Mostly, students engage in shootouts to get back at people who hurt them or express disgust about a given issue. Such perpetrators carry out their plans without much forethought; they act on the spur of the moment. In determining the cause of the shooting, I will also have to establish whether the shooter(s) is still in the institution. In case they have fled, where could they be hiding? Do they pose more danger to citizens? This will also help me determine the size of backup I need. This step will involve communicating with a reliable member of the school community who is well-poised to clarify the cause of the attack (UCLA Center, 2016). The clarification will also debunk false rumors regarding the attack. In addition, I will need to get information about available resources and personnel for medical and psychological help.
Option B
If I establish that the shooting was perpetrated by a group of outsiders, then that might be a case of terrorism. That would present a different ball game altogether because such perpetrators thoroughly and meticulously plan their attacks. Some are radicalized individuals, and they pose a great risk. In some instances, some are after monetary gain. Whatever the case, they are always inclined to take hostages to negotiate their way out or to earn a ransom. In addition, they pose the threat of shooting indiscriminately at the slightest provocation. If this happens to be the case, I will have to tread with absolute caution to avert the risk of escalating the situation. ...
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