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Cultural Competency and Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Submit a competency and ethics paper

Write a 4 page paper on the cultural competency and ethics this must have a minimum of 2 references which can be journal articles, websites, textbooks, this will assist the student in understanding the importance of being culturally competent in the human service field

The student will define both terms,

discuss their importance and why they are important

how they fit into counseling and human services

skills associated with each

barriers to both of these, including what happens if a provider lacks these aspects


Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions by Corey, Corey and Callanan (8th edition)

All assignments are APA format, they will have title page, body of paper, and reference page; students may add more than what is listed in the assignments as long as it is relevant to the subject matter.

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Cultural Competency and Ethics
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Cultural Competency and Ethics
1 Introduction
This writing explains cultural competence and ethics concerning the human service field. Firstly, the author defined both terms in light of information from books. Later on, the writer outlines the significance of cultural competence. Specifically, the role of cultural competence and ethics in counseling and human service is underlined. Particular skills associated with cultural competence are also listed to understand the tactics. Eventually, the author discussed common barriers and mitigation strategies for cultural competence in the workplace.
2 Definition
Working culture is something shaped by the employees operating. It is not wrong to say organizational culture is composed of two building blocks, cultural competence, and ethics. Cultural competence is the ability of an individual to understand the difference in cultural values among working individuals and respect those (Corey et al., 2014). In simple terms, cultural competence educates working individuals to understand the cultural values at the workplace and respect them. For example, a Christian avoids eating meals in front of a Muslim during the month of Ramadan. Ethics is the level of morality accounted for by a code of conduct for behaving in a particular manner (Betancourt et al., 2014). For instance, the workforce respects and participates in the organization’s norms. While both are different, intrinsically, they are correlated as cultural competence is constructed on ethical principles. Altogether, effective organizations practice both cultural competence and ethics to operate smoothly.
3 Significance of Cultural Competency and Ethics
Cultural competence promotes acknowledgment and acceptance of different cultures in an organization. As globalization is fueling diversity in the workplace, organizations are getting equipped with talent from different cultural backgrounds. This shift demands acceptance and acknowledgment of different cultures at work. According to Corey et al. (2014), cultural difference is an obvious challenge to diversity. In response, cultural competence takes care of the diversity challenge and encourages the assertion of different cultural practices.
Similar to cultural competence, ethics is also an essential element of the work culture. Ethics at the workplace take care of acceptable acts beyond legal control (Milton, 2016). It is significant for organizations as it takes control of activities that are essential for a smooth business operation. Besides, the absence of ethics in the workplace may lead to unjust practices such as discrimination. Therefore, it is right to say that cultural competence and ethics work hand in hand for a prosperous working environment.
4 Role in Counseling and Human Services
The human service field comprises workers who offer their services for the welfare and well-being of other individuals. The practitioners must be culturally competent and aware of ethical considerations for two reasons. First, only a culturally competent practitioner can understand and celebrate the differences between his service users. Second, when the practitioner is culturally competent, he can comfort his service users accordingly and in an ethical way. According to Milton (2016), cultural competence and professions are linked intrinsically. The author defines the significance of the ecosystem of an organization. Besides, the author also urges the need to understand the significance of this ecosystem. Milton (2016) dec...
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