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HSL 6040 Initial Essay: Terrorist Groups Like Hezbollah

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Hezbollah leader delivers defiant speech, defends group’s role in Syrian war
By Hugh Naylor
November 4
In a televised address, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah defended the Lebanese group’s decision to send fighters to Syria to support President Basharal-Assad. The article mentions how the leader has blatantly said that Hezbollah’s role in the three-year-old Syrian civil war as “a great victory". The author tells us that "Hezbollah’s forces have suffered hundreds of battlefield deaths in Syria, but Nasrallah, speaking to Shiite worshipers in Lebanon and audiences across the region, said the group is “stronger than before” and has gained serious wartime “experience.”" Because of draining relationships in Lebonon Nasrallah came out to make the bold speech. Hezbollah, the terrorist group has struggled to keep the Syria war from going from Syria into Lebanon. "Sunni militants with links to extremists in Syria and possibly Iraq have carried out a growing number of attacks in Lebanon, including a revolt last month in the northern city of Tripoli that the military put down."
Hezbollah means "Party of God". They are in Lebonon and actively fighting for its own vision of a spiritually pure Lebonon. Hezbollah is a revolutionary dissident terrorist group. They want to destroy an existing order through armed conflict and to build a relatively well-designed new society. Hezbollah has its own political movement, armed militia, and social services. They have waged a war to destabilize central authority. 
How will this affect our critical infrastructure? Because the leader is using cyber: media and technology to send out it's message. We are engaged in the conflict in Syria, and this is why this issue is important. Indirectly the Hezbollah leader has flat out said that they have access to weapons and have trained men to combat whatever they are in war with. That's a risk for the United States and our nation's security. What we are doing in Syria is a Homeland security issue and we must be vigilant in reading these hidden messages of leaders that only want to provide terror and fear. We must not disregard that they could launch an attack on our homeland but our infrastructure as well. Americans are dependent on certain functions of the infrastructure, and without the system working properly, we are more vulnerable to disaster.

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HSL 6040 Initial
HSL 6040 Initial
The critical infrastructure of the United States is threatened by the presence of terrorist groups like Hezbollah focused on waging war against central authority. Given that the Hezbollah leader is using cyber to send his rebellious messages, critical infrastructure is threatened. The idea is that media like television threaten the critical infrastructure of technology in the country (Verton & Brownlow, 2003). For instance, the leader could make use of television to send messages of fear and propaganda to threaten the security of the country. This means that such messages can be used to create rumors that can threaten the peace of other countries such as the United States because this messages create uproar and discomfort. These rumors have the potential to create tension in the country because television is accessed widely. In waging war through the media, the technology is vulnerable because they can attack the country through radio, television, and even the Internet to spread fear and in the process create an environment of tension that could lead to conflict (Adamiak et al., 2006).
Further, the group’s access to weapons and trained men to wage war threatens critical infrastructure. This means that terrorist at...
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