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HLS 6040 DF6 Comments: Response to Post by John Dubeau

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these 2 postings as if you were talking in my voice. 100 words and 3 sources each:
John Dubeau
Good Evening Classmates,
I apologize for the late submission, I thought I sent something in on Friday but I was mistaken. I blame the ridiculous heat that we have been subjected to this week!
Our critical infrastructure is and will always be subjected to a constant threat from terrorism. We rely so heavily on infrastructure such as water and electricity that many would be lost without it. The United States is so vulnerable to an outside attack that it is very scary. Especially if terrorists were able to hack our critical cyber infrastructure and control everything they want to using our computers, that we so heavily rely on. 
The fact that Hezbollah has used media and technology to send out its message is scary, but nothing new. They are able to reach a much larger “fan base” and it better suits them to recruit others for the cause. They are using our involvement in Syria as affecting their homeland security and in turn making it right for an attack to happen against us on our own soil. They are instituting an eye for an eye mentality for any and all to hear and follow.
Meaghan Jeffers 
Week 6 Hezbollah
In terms of issues in United States homeland security, this article raises many of them. First off, the United States being an ally of Israel immediately puts a giant target on our backs for terrorist groups like Hezbollah because we are not only their main source of funding, but also a very strong ally that provides a lot of support to Israel. Hezbollah and Israel have a long time feud and Hezbollah has had many issues with Jews so that is a good reason to expect an attack on US infrastructure. The United States has a lot of critical infrastructure not only on domestic soil, but on foreign as well. Places like US embassies, ports, and military bases are symbolic and therefor very tempting targets for terrorist groups like Hezbollah so we need to always make sure we are keeping track of their actions while sharpening our security. Hearing that Hezbollah has access to weapons and are able to train their men into strong military combat fighters is very worrisome. Instead of attacking the US directly by coming into the country or attacking one of our structures abroad, Hezbollah makes it seem like they are very capable of attacking Israel as well, and this would be much easier for them to do. We need to make sure that our security is strong and aware on all fronts, in the homeland and abroad.
The second issue that this raises is our cyber critical infrastructure. With technology being so advanced nowadays, terrorism is largely characterized by cyber activity. Whether it be hackers stealing our information or the internet being used to radicalize and recruit terrorist members, the cyber infrastructure needs to be very closely monitored. This affects us because we need to not only make sure that we are protecting our infrastructure on the ground, but we need to be heightening our security and monitoring of the cyber world as well. In the cyber world we are able to flex our offensive and defensive skills so the United States needs to make our cyber infrastructure a main priority. I believe that if we are able to get into the roots of groups such as Hezbollah through their cyber activity, then we could ultimately be able to put a stop to them for good. As the professor stated, we also need to be paying close attention to the hidden messages that are within any articles, interviews, or videos put out by such groups.

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HLS 6040 DF6 comments
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HLS 6040 DF6 Comments
Response to Post by John Dubeau
I agree that our infrastructure is a significant target by terrorists. Attacks on infrastructure are likely to affect the economy of the country. Information technology is critical to major operations in the country, including defense, trade, administration, health, and other sectors (NIST, 2011). Terror activities pose a critical threat to the country, due to increased expertise in hacking and sale of sensitive information in the black market by Hezbollah and other terror organizations (Pironti, 2008). Twitter has become a major platform used by terror activities to express their propaganda (United States institute of peace, 2013). Suggestively, there is a need to not only guarantee cyber security, but also provide solutions that limit the influence terrorists have through the use of the internet and other forms of media.
Response to Post by Meaghan Jeffers
International relations and policies that govern the interaction of the US with countries such as Israel, puts our nation at risk. Consequently, the US has become a target of many terror groups due to the staunch support of anti-terror activities (Bloom, 2005). The government has a constitutional mandate to protect the people and properties in foreign countries, as much as it does in the country. Such infrastructure plays an ess...
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