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HSC 2100 Essay
Essay Instructions:
For this project you will be required to select a personal behavior change and write a 1000 word essay. Please remember: weight loss is NOT a behavior change; it is the result of one or more changes. Therefore, weight loss is not an appropriate topic for this assignment. The essay must include an Introduction paragraph, Body and Conclusion paragraph with a minimum of 3 references from peer-reviewed database articles.
Choose a health behavior you would like to change in any of the dimensions of wellness. If you are stuck and cannot think of a behavior change, try completing the Evaluated Your Lifestyle Quiz provided in this module or search for health assessments online.
Write a 1000-word essay that includes the following:
The results of any assessment you took and the area that you would like to improve.
A clearly stated goal that demonstrates use of the SMART principles of goal-setting.
The strategies that you plan to use to improve your chosen health behavior. Your strategies should be specific with a clear implementation timeline.
A discussion as to how each of the dimensions of wellness are impacted by the area that you would like to improve.
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HSC 2100 Essay
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October 7, 2024
Sleep is an essential part of everyone's lives, and physical, mental, and emotional health depend on it. The CDC recommends that adults sleep for at least seven hours daily to stay healthy. However, undesirable habits like an irregular sleep-wake schedule, screen time at night, and stress have failed to allow many people, including myself, to get the required amount of sleep. To enhance my total well-being, I have adopted a behavioral change plan to change some aspects surrounding sleep.
Outcomes of the LPA and Goal-setting
I did an online Sleep health Self-assessment test to find out areas of strength, weaknesses, and threats. The statistics revealed that I sleep less than six hours a night and often get distracted by screen devices and irregular schedules. While factoring in all of these elements, I recommended a goal of trying to get a more regular pattern of sleep back by avoiding interference. Using the SMART framework, my goal is as follows:
1 Specific: I will enhance my sleep habits by setting a bedtime routine and avoiding using electronic devices for one hour to sleep.
2 Measurable: I will monitor my final sleep duration and quality in a week using the sleep tracking application and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night.
3 Achievable: I will start by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each week until I attain the desired hours of sleep.
4 Relevant: Bettering sleep is tightly connected with bettering the physical and mental state, which is why it is an essential objective.
5 Time-bound: I will accomplish this goal within eight weeks while assuming weekly progress.
Ways to Change Sleep Behavior
The following strategies have been made for my sleep behavior change, and I intend to apply them in the next 8 Weeks. These strategies are derived from the literature on sleep hygiene and behavioral principles as supported by indexed peer-reviewed literature.
Establishing a Consistent Sleep Schedule
This is one of the most critical recommendations: having a regular sleep pattern, sleeping seven hours a day, and getting up at the same time without exception on weekends. Studies have indicated that the best sleep timetable aligns with the circadian rhythm, thus allowing the body to get the best sleep (Buysse, 2014). To control the body clock, I will start by setting an alarm to go to bed to adapt to that time before the alarm goes off and set another alarm for when I want to wake up.
Reducing Screen Time Before Bed
Staying awake and using devices with blue light increases the risk of sleep disruption by melatonin production. I will rule that I should not use electric gadgets at least one hour before bedtime. However, during this time, the proposed interventi...
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