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Essay Test 1
Essay Instructions:
Essay Test 1
Instructions: Following the Essay Test formatting please write a complete essay answering the
prompt. These essays should be well thought out, have a Works Cited page, and needs the
appropriate number of outside sources.
Write a 2 page essay answering the following essay topic. Use 3 sources.
1. Read over our Class Discussion 1 article. Explain the Scientific Method and the role of
the scientific community as shown in Kettlewell’s peppered moth experiment. How do
the criticisms of the experiments showcase the Scientific Method? Do you think the later
experiments are “good” science?
Basic APA formatting of Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced. See formatting page in
Start Here Module.
Must utilize class vocabulary, I recommend 5-10 vocab words or culture concepts.
Must have a creative title
Citations: Use Scholarly sources in APA format. No Wiki, you will receive a 0 immediately if
you cite Wikipedia. Check the library, use Google Scholar, JSTOR, etc. (1 website, and either
textbook or lecture, all others must be scholarly journals, books, or articles) Avoid websites, go
for Google scholar, peer reviewed works and Books.
Must meet page requirement. Any less and you will receive points off.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dark Wings and a Bright Lesson: The Peppered Moth and Natural Selection
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As soot blackened the scenery back in industrial Britain, with it unspotted, the previously speckled model of the peppered moth became one of the most emblematic examples of Darwin's evolution. It was the case of the peppered moth (Biston betularia), which had made its classic example for demonstrating the concept of natural selection in the methodological aspect of science, particularly in evolutionary biology. In the 1950s, Bernard Kathleen Kettlewell performed series of experiments to see how industrial melanism, where species are formed with darker coloring in “polluted” areas – was with these moths. His work was to test the supposed adaptive advantage of dark-colored moths (Carbonaria) to light-colored moths (typical) in polluted environments because the latter camouflage themselves on the trees coated with soot (University of Oxford, n.d.).
The scientific method proposes a process that religiously follows a systematic step-by-step approach. This is used to investigate a natural phenomenon and starts with worldly observations. This is followed by formulating a hypothesis, experimentation to gather empirical evidence, analysis of the data, and drawing conclusions, respectively. To apply, this, Kettlewell used the observing method in studying the changes of the moth populations and hypothesized that the darker moths had better camouflage in polluted condition. Consequently, kettlewell tested the hypothesis through mark-release-recapture techniques. Furthermore, Kettlewell presumed that the Carbonaria morph had a competitive survival advantage within polluted habitats due to its better blending with the surface below due to its dark color, making ...
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