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How Madagascar's Art and Culture Reflect Colonial Impact

Essay Instructions:

Africa has four Nobel Laureates for literature and a rich and varied artistic heritage. Examples of well-known annual African cultural festivals include Fespaco, the continent-wide film festival in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, Poetry Africa in Durban, South Africa and the Zanzibar International Film Festival in Tanzania.

1. Colonial impact on art and culture:

How does the art and culture of your country reflect colonial impact? State how colonialism has impacted the following:

the languages of your country (e.g. their use in schools as languages of teaching and learning, their use in government for statecraft, their use in business, etc.)? How have the different roles allocated to the different languages led to "elite closure"?

the literature of your country? Pay attention to the effects of a shift from oral to written literature.

the film industry of your country?

the festivals/ceremonies of your country? (Pay attention to such ceremonies as child naming, weddings, burials/funerals etc)

the music and dance of your country?

the cuisine of your country?

the major religions of your country, e.g. Are there signs of religious syncretism?

2. Leading/notable influences on art and culture and their works (identify 3 leading individuals and 3 of their works for each category):

Who are the leading or notable influences of art and culture in your country - what are some examples of their work and what is the impact of their work both locally and internationally? In these different categories, pay attention to the representation of women.

Who are the major writers ... what are some examples ... what is their impact locally/internationally?

Who are the major artists ... what are some examples ... what is their impact locally/internationally?

Who are the major film makers ... what are some examples ... what is their impact locally/internationally?

Who are the major musicians ... what are some examples ... what is their impact locally/internationally?

3. Conclusion:

Using all the data and analysis you have done pertaining to the above questions, write a conclusion addressing how culture in your country can play a role in economic and social development.

4. Other Requirements:

Referencing: Evidential Proof of sources used: Paper should be supported by evidence and quotations from sources. At least three sources with APA citation at the bottom of the report, Variation in selection of sources. (You can access APA citation style information at http://guides(dot)libraries(dot)psu(dot)edu/apaquickguide (Links to an external site.))

Organization of text: Well organized, detailed and logical/cohesive arguments addressing relevant issues.

About Sources

Throughout the project, you will keep a record of the information sources you used to gather the information about your assigned country. By the end of the three steps, you should have used no less than a total of NINE different references as you research your country.

Select at least THREE sources from the PSU Libraries' Research Guide for AFR 110 (Links to an external site.) or Research Guide for African Studies (Links to an external site.).

Then select at least SIX academic sources of your choosing.

NOTE: The Huffington Post, New York Times, or Wikipedia ARE NOT vetted ACADEMIC sources and should NOT BE USED IN THIS CLASS. A balanced choice of academic sources will include a journal article, a book, and other web related sources.

*Make sure that for each step, you have this balance in your selection of sources to use.

Here are a few recommended sources that are not already listed on the PSU Libraries' Research Guide for AFR 110. In recommending these sources, we are in no way suggesting that these are EXEMPLARY authorities.

BBC Country Profiles (http://news(dot)bbc(dot)co(dot)uk/2/hi/country_profiles/default.stm)

United Nations (https://www(dot)un(dot)org/)

For an academic assignment, you should always draw on the best sources of information, that is, refereed and reputable sources. What does “refereed” and “reputable” mean in this context? The terms mean that these sources gain authority and reputability because they are written by informed and knowledgeable authors, are fact-checked, edited, and reviewed by a publisher or other authoritative, independent entities. Such a process of refereeing, editing, and distribution tends to produce the most reliable information because it is independently verified and checked. Such reputable and refereed sources are provided in the resource sheet on information sources on Africa from the African Studies librarian, Ms. Sylvia Owiny, about the resources in Penn State’s library that will be useful for your assignment. Do not rely on tourism Web sites and unrefereed online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Madagascar’s Culture and Art
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July 21, 2022
A person can learn a lot about how locals adapt to their environment and discover new things that are considered normal in a country but not in the rest of the world by getting to know the locals and learning about their culture. This is the best way to truly understand how beautiful a country is and explore its natural wonders and stunning scenery. Speaking of discovering how beautiful the culture and arts of the people are, aside from their breathtaking scenery, Madagascar has a long history with the French people and is rich in natural resources. As a result of this coexistence, the native citizens of this nation have developed a rich culture and artistic tradition.
Because of the French colony's invasion of Madagascar from 1895–1960, the native tribes of Madagascar assimilated French culture, and during the period when France ruled the island, the locals picked up the language. When the French government was abolished in 1960, a large portion of the population had already acquired French, and many French citizens had also chosen to settle there, making French and Malagasy their primary languages. They regularly speak these two languages at their schools, as well as in business (but French is much more used in private and public business) and in everyday discourse (Privacy Shield Framework, n.d.).
As language spread, so did its literature, both written and oral. Native Malagasy frequently recorded their own language using Arabic script, which is used by members of the tribe known as the "Ombiasy" (wise men). The Ombiasy's creations are exclusive to them and not accessible to the other members of the tribe. A French historian was the first to record their oral history, including their hainteny (poetry), kabary (public discourse), and ohabolana (proverbs, songs, and folklore), as they coexisted on their journey. Western-influenced literary works began to appear in Madagascar immediately after colonization because it was thought to be the norm at the time. Their literature changed as a result of historical developments and the expansion of French power over the island of Madagascar (The Free Geography, 2020).
Changing the conversation from literature to the film sector in Madagascar, it is unfortunate to announce that there is little to no public cinema in the nation. Even while movies are still produced there, the 22-minute films that the deacon Philippe Raberojo shot in 1937 are very ancient. The establishment of Madagascar's one and only film festival, the Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar (RFC), which receives no state financing and only produces a small number of films annually, gave the film industry its first sign of hope in 2006 (DBpedia, n.d.).
The country of Madagascar is loaded with vibrant festivals that are available year-round for everything that they wish to thank, despite the fact that the public cinema is unavailable to the people of Madagascar as a form of amusement. According to Malagasy Traditional Marriage Customs (2017), one of the most important traditions that the family performs when there is a wedding is the slaughtering of lamb along with a number of live zebus (a humped cattle) as a wedding gift to the bride's family. This is done even on small occasions like weddings. But as times change, money eventually replaces the lamb and Zebus since it is now more valuable than the lamb and Zebus.
As the wedding begins, custom also applies to the bride and groom's attire as it is a part of the traditional ceremonies. The garments they wear are known as Lamba and are frequently made of silk for such occasions. The Famadihana Event, also known as The Turning of the Bones, is another weird and uncommon festival observed by the Malagasy people. During this celebration, loved ones' excavated bones are brought back to their hometowns or other vital locations. The families would rejoice in the middle of the ceremony because t...
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