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Implicit Gender Bias and Social Diversity

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5-2: Reflection: Implicit Gender Bias and Social Diversity
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5-2: Reflection: Implicit Gender Bias and Social Diversity
Critical analysis of implicit gender bias and social diversity is a critical process in understanding the issues and solutions on the topic. Implicit gender bias involves unequal and unintentional treatment of individuals based on gender (Pritlove et al., 2019). The topic analysis is critical since it has adverse social impacts on different populations, especially females. The paper addresses the personal experience, bias, and the impact of analyzing implicit gender bias and diversity.
Personal Experience
Critical analysis of implicit gender bias has significantly impacted my personal experience. Before examining the impacts, it is essential to understand critical analysis. Critical analysis is a comprehensive evaluation and examination of ideas (Kirton & Greene, 2021). It is majorly based on factual interpretation and understanding of the outcomes of the topic. Analyzing the social diversity topic has informed my experience by allowing me to focus on critical issues behind implicit gender. I noted the key issues of implicit gender bias, including unconscious engagement, beliefs, assumptions, and misconceptions that make males more valuable than females.
Additionally, I understood key skills in critical analysis, including decision-making, problem-solving, inference, interpretation, and observation (Kirton & Greene, 2021). For instance, to address implicit gender bias, decision-making and problem solving through constructive collaboration are essential. I have also learned the importance of collaborative construction and how it can be used to address critical topics such as implicit gender bias. I also noted that constructive collaboration is among the suitable evidence-based methodologies which empower teams and address complex environments. Therefore, the critical analysis of implicit gender bias improved my skills and personal experience in working with other different communities regardless of...
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