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Poultry Farming in Australia

Essay Instructions:

The country must be Australia


Writing Tips and Resources There are a myriad of writing resources online, including the UIUC Writers Workshop. Also, please make sure you understand plagiarism, and follow the university’s policies carefully. More information is available in the “Writing Tips and Resources” content area on the Compass website. Formatting Requirements for all Writing Assignments • 1.5 or 2.0 line spacing; 1-inch margins; 11 or 12 point font (Calibri or Times New Roman preferred) • VERY IMPORTANT: papers must be submitted in Word format. This will allow the instructors to view and make comments on your writing assignments. • Headings: o Include the title (example: Selected Country Background Information) and your name at the top of each assignment. Also include section headings (such as “References”) EXACTLY as given in writing assignment descriptions. o The heading format is your choice (centered or left justified; bold, italics, or regular text; larger font or same font size). • Left justification (not full justification). See example later in this paper. • No cover page • Indented paragraphs, with no extra space between paragraphs • Word count: does not include titles or sections headings, or words from the reference section Citing Sources Sources of information must be cited in the text, and include a list of the references cited (literature cited). The Illinois Library website has great information about when to cite sources, including links to citation managers; click here for more information. Integrating sources into the text: • Information from sources should be incorporated through summaries, paraphrasing, or quoting; the Writers Workshop has provides more information about integrating sources. The Purdue Online Writing Laboratory is also a good source for this topic. • References should be cited in the text by a number within an editorial bracket, also known as a square bracket: [1], [2], [3]…in the order in which they appear. • See the sample paragraphs at the end of this document as an example. Use of Figures or Tables • Label as Figure 1, 2, 3... or Table 1, 2, 3… • Include a title for the figure or table. • Figures and images should be cited like any other source. • Example: Figure 1. Number of Chickens in the United States [1] (or whatever number the source should be). • Refer to figures or tables in the text using the figure or table number ("As seen in Figure 1..."). Reference section: • Each assignment should only have one reference section at the end of the paper • Number citations in the text and in the reference section in the order they appear (NOT alphabetically) • The format for individual sources in the reference section should follow APA style o NOTE: this does NOT apply to the format for in-text citations, which should be formatted as [1], [2], [3]... For more information about APA style:  Basic rules; reference page formatting; APA style introduction o APA style formatting should not be applied to the entire paper (only to the reference section at the end of the paper) • Do not cite Wikipedia • When searching for information, use the CRAP test to evaluate potential sources References will most often be found online, and following is information for which you should look when preparing the reference section: • Names of individual author(s) of the source. Cite names using the full last name, then first and middle initials (if available). Example: Emmert, J.L. • Publication date. Include as much information as you can find: (Year, Month Day). Example: (2021, January 25) • Title of the source or site; place in italics in your reference. See examples below. • Group or organization (or site name) providing the information. The group and site name are often the same, and are typically found in the URL. NOTE: Names of the group or organization should be spelled out completely. For example: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (not FAO). • URL. NOTE: do not include a period after the URL The following examples are taken from the Purdue Online Writing Laboratory 1. When all the information above is available, cite as: a. Lastname, F. M. (Year, Month Day). Title of page. Site name. URL b. Example: Price, D. (2018, March 23). Laziness does not exist. Medium. https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01 2. When there are no individual authors identified, the author is the group or organization: a. Group name. (Year, Month Day). Title of page. Site name. URL b. NOTE: when group and site name is the same, omit site name (VERY COMMON) c. Example: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (2019, November 21). Justice served: Case closed for over 40 dogfighting victims. https://www.aspca.org/news/justice-served-case-closed-over-40-dogfighting-victims 3. Article from an online periodical with DOI assigned, cite as: a. Lastname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol.(Issue), page numbers. DOI b. Example: Drollinger, T., Comer, L. B., & Warrington, P. T. (2006). Development and validation of the active empathetic listening scale. Psychology & Marketing, 23(2), 161-180. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20105 4. Incomplete or missing publication date: a. Include as much information as possible, such as just year, or year and month. b. If no publication date information is available, use (n.d.) within the reference.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Poultry Farming in Australia
In the last 50 years, the Australian poultry industry has experienced immense growth. It is estimated that over 800 chicken farmers and meat growers are in the country, creating approximately 12000 jobs for the general population. The country’s major regions involved in poultry farming include Mareeba, Byron Bay, and Redland Bay. Australia is among the largest poultry producers, with the Queensland region ranked the second largest, producing 21% of the country’s meat and contributing approximately $580 million to the economy. Most Australian poultry meat is aimed for domestic purposes, with the ordinary Australian citizen consuming an estimated 47.65 kg of chicken meat annually [1]. This represents the highest consumed meat in the country ahead of chevon, beef, pork, and mutton meat. Additionally, to improve on efficiency and effectiveness of poultry farming in the country, the meat farms are located approximately 200 kilometers from processing plants to reduce transport stress on the animals and maximize production kilograms on processing days.
The country’s poultry farming and meat production is Australia’s most significant agricultural activity and contributes the highest amount to the country’s GDP. In 2018 there were approximately 100,940,000 birds in the country. Poultry farmers in the country roughly produced 1,240 000 kilograms of poultry meat in 2018. With chicken meat being the most preferred meat in the country, the industry experiences high demand levels, with 635 865 chickens being slaughtered daily, totaling 69 billion chickens in 2018 [2]. Despite the massive success of the poultry industry in the country, farmers face various challenges that affect their general meat production and poultry farming levels, thus negatively influencing supply and demand levels. Major issues within the poultry sector include high heat waves in the country, negatively impacting the birds. Chickens usually thrive in areas with relatively average temperatures, and high temperatures may result in high mortality rates for the birds. In addition, food safety issues within the sector are a significant problem due to the various medicines and vaccines administered to the birds and the types of feeds given to the poultry. These aspects may adversely affect consumers; thus, high standards for poultry farming are set. This increases the production costs for farmers, thus affecting their production levels.
Production Status of Poultry Farming in Australia
Poultry farming is the most extensive livestock production activity in Australia. Additionally, poultry meat is the most eaten form compared to other types of meats. Farmers majorly practice intensive poultry farming, having 1 to 3 sheds that accommodate 20,000 to 60,000 chickens. In 2018, the industry had a relatively good production year managing 1,240,000 kg of chicken meat per segment, totaling 1,193,467,000. An Australian consumes 47.65 kg of chicken meat annually [2]. The poultry sector in the country imports poultry meat and birds worth $ 20857, which represents about 5,137,000 kg, and exports meat and birds worth $46356, representing approximately 35 187,000. Despite the country’s boosting of approximately 100,940,000 birds as of 2018, the poultry industry failed to meet the demand for poultry meat in the country.
Australia has approximately a population of 42.88 million people. With an individual consuming 47.65 kg a year, the poultry industry is expected to produce 2,043,232,000 per year. Due to the high demand for poultry meat and a relatively limited supply from domestic farmers, the country imports approximately 5,137,000 kg of meat from Papua Guinea to meet the local demand [2]. Regardless of the country importing poultry from other countries, the sector fails to meet the high local demand for meat. The total available kilograms of poultry meat in 2018 were 1,163,417,000 kg. This included 1,193,467,000 +5, 137,000 (imports) –35,187,000 (exports). The difference between the expected consumption per annum of poultry meat in Australia (2,043,232,000) and the total available poultry meat after exporting and importing (1,193,467,000) leads to a deficit of 849,765,000 kg. This proves that the Australian poultry industry cannot sustain demand in the country’s market despite being ranked as one of the largest poultry meat and birds producers.
Over the past few years, chicken meat production in the country has doubled, with Australians enjoying the meat compared to other types of meats. Poultry farming and meat production have increased over the past five years. The exception was in 2016 and 2017, when poultry meat production reduced by approximately 3%, while consumption declined by 1% across the country due to the low supply of the product. Individuals had to turn to other meats, such as beef, pork, and meat, to attain their dietary protein allocations [2]. However, from 2018-2022, the industry has experienced steady growth in production and consumption. Production has averaged 7-10 %, while consumption has increased by 6%. The poultry industry is expected to move upward over the coming years. T...
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