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How High School Students Cope With Their Stress

Essay Instructions:


2. You only have to write the result part; you do NOT need to write the whole paper.

3. Please write a section on the artificial results of my field study research paper.

4. My research topic is about how high school students cope with their stress

5. Here is the abstract of my research paper:

"This research paper will focus on how teenagers in high school deal with stress. For most adolescents, the ever-changing and evolving challenges of modern society require them to maintain academic performance while also being active in outdoor sports and activities and managing relationships with friends and family. The teenage years of every generation are a time of stress. I gained insights into the activities of teenagers by observing their lunchtime, taking on the role of complete observer, at California Crosspoint Academic in San Francisco (the high school from which I graduated), and two semi-instructed interviews, one with high school mentors (two males and two females) in my field study and four of my best friends (two males and two females). The results show that high school girls tend to talk to their trusted friends to provide emotional support and help reduce stress, engage in cardboard activities such as UNO with their friends, and listen to music to reduce stress and improve mood; high school boys tend to play video games and engage in physical activities such as basketballs to release their stress. From the data I collected, I found out that high school boys and girls often cope with stress in different ways, although it's important to note that these differences are not universal and can vary from individual to individual."

6. You should ONLY write the results part of the paper: the results should include the quotes from interviews, and what you observed at lunchtime in school.

7. Observation Results: I have written some results for my rough research paper (I used ChatGPT for this part, so please paraphrase this and write accordingly):

" Here are something I observed during their lunchtime:

Socializing with friends: this is an opportunity for teenagers to socialize with their peers, catch up on news or gossip, and build social connections. Many senior students, such as UNO, are playing board games with each other (I guess they just finished college applications, so they were free to play board games.)

Participating in extracurricular activities: Some teenagers used lunchtime to participate in extracurricular activities, such as music rehearsals, club meetings, or sports practices.

Studying or doing homework: Some students found a quiet space to study or work on homework assignments."

8. Interview Results: I wrote some of my mentors or friends use meditation, exercise, music, and keeping a journal to release their stresses. So please make up the artificial quotes from the interview accordingly.

9. I have attached some examples of how others wrote for their results. Please check it.

10 I have also attached my interview questions. Please make up the quotes in the results part according to the questions I provided.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How High School Students Cope with Their Stress
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How High School Students Cope with Their Stress
The role of stress in a teenage student's life has become more pronounced in the modern age of technology, where high competitive environment forces young students to outperform others in curricular and extracurricular activities (Bauld, 2022). The only effective way to understand this stress level, analyze its underlying causes and identify different stress coping mechanisms of teenagers is the direct first-hand Observation and face-to-face interviews with students and mentors. This method helps in understanding learners' perspectives toward stress and stress management (The following section discusses the results of my direct Observation and two semi-structured interviews and provides significant insight regarding teenagers' different stress-coping mechanisms. Surprisingly, both mentor's and high school students' responses imply similar attitudes toward stress, with the only variable being gender.
Mentors' Response toward Stress
Both male and female mentors admit that facing stress is a routine part of their student life, and they deemed academic competition, peer pressure, and bullying to be everyday stressors in teenage students' life. Scholars are generally unanimous regarding stress's role in student life as they deem peer pressures, academic challenges, body changes, and family issues as the core cause of stress in this phase of life (AACAP, 2019). In this regard, all four interviewees responded favorably regarding the role of exercise in releasing stress during their schooling. For instance, one male mentor expresses his enthusiasm for exercise in the following way: "Exercise worked wonders for me during my stressful years as a high school student; early morning exercise and a leisurely walk helped me a lot in easing out exam tensions and apprehensions about fulfilling my parents' and teachers' expectations." Another respondent regarded exercise as "the best thing since sliced bread," These comments put extraordinary significance on using exercise for getting rid of mental stress and maintain physical fitness.
Appropriate music's role in easing hyperactive nerves is an evident reality that is biologically verifiable. For instance, upbeat music makes a person more energetic and positive toward life challenges; slow music relaxes the mind and soul and eases muscular movement (University of Nevada, 2023). Three of the four mentors strongly agreed to the positive role of music in relieving stress, while one female mentor showed concern over the detrimental effects of its too much use, although she admitted its short-term benefits. Regarding meditation, the interviewees responded positively as they admitted to using meditation to cope with academic stress. However, one male mentor stressed keeping a journal to give vent to his frustrations, anxieties, and stresses; he expresses his support for this strategy in the following way: "Expressing my inner fears, worries, and feelings in a journal has always helped me shun negative feelings and unburden myself from baseless problems, especially those related to my academic achievements." Thus, this response toward stress-coping mechanisms indicates that music, exercise, meditation, and journal-keeping are some of teenagers' most effective stress-coping mechanisms.
Regarding the difference between stress-coping mechanisms adopted by girls and boys, one respondent replied, "I believe that girls and boys use different stress-management strategies to deal with academic stress; however, their response toward stress is more or less the same." Other respondents also expressed similar views. One respondent said, "In my opinion, girls do not resort to using physical activities to deal with stress; instead, they use music or indoor games to release their stress." Similarly, regarding the role of parents in dealing with stress in teenagers, the respondents were unanimous as they considered parental expectations one of the most significant causes of stress in teenagers. One respondent expressed his views in the following way: "I believe that by lowering their expectation levels from students, parents can contribute significantly to reducing stress on their children." Research studies also verify that the core factor behind teenagers' stress is their parents' high expectations (Merk, 2017; Embark Behavioral Health, 2022). Other respondents supported this statement and advised teachers and parents to show flexibility in their expectations of teenage students to facilitate their stress-free learning at high school.
To answer the question regarding their personal experience of dealing with stressed teenagers, all respondents admitted facing this first-hand encounter in their career as a mentor. One respondent informed, "My experience with a depressed teenage girl who was willing to resort to any means to get good grades is an eye-opener as it made me realize the gravity of situations related to stress in teenagers' lives." In this regard, all respondents acknowledged the importance of adopting healthy ways of dealing with stress at high school. Most importantly, they realize the significance of mentors' role in helping students cope with stress. One female mentor replied, "I always consider myself responsible for helping my students relieve themselves from undue academic or other stress. For this purpose, I organize group-based activities regularly." Almost all scholars identified mentors as the next important person after parents in a teenager's life (Preston, 2018).
Finally, the mentors emphasized the role of parents, school, and mentors in relieving students from unnecessary stress at high school. They also realized that effectively dealing with this stress healthily is crucial for promoting these adolescents...
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