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Factors Causing High Crime Rates

Essay Instructions:

Solving a Problem in Your Community Assignment

Assignment Background and Deliverables

Our everyday lives are filled with problems to be solved. On our commutes to work and college, there is often too much traffic, and public transportation may be unreliable or expensive. At work, we may struggle to attract new customers, improve a flawed product or service we offer, or to contain costs. In our neighborhoods, we may notice that public spaces like parks are neglected and needed services are lacking. In our families, we may find that our children are struggling at school or relatives are suffering from diseases that ought to be preventable.

When we're faced with a problem, we have two choices: we can complain about it, or we can try to do something about it. In order to solve a problem, it's important to have a clear, detailed, and well researched plan to persuade those in leadership roles to take action. Creating that written action plan is the purpose of this writing assignment. This assignment, which begins in Week 3, includes multiple steps, culminating in a completed problem-solution essay in Week 7, followed by a narrated presentation in Week 8.

Choosing a Topic

For this essay, it is important to choose a topic that is personally meaningful to you, something specific to your community. The term community, however, has different meanings for each of us. For a city-dweller, it could mean the whole city, or one part of it, such as San Francisco or Chicago's south side. For those living in more suburban or rural areas, it might refer to a larger region, such as southern Utah or the Finger Lakes of New York. It's even possible that the community that is most meaningful to you is not strictly a physical place but is instead a community of individuals around the country or even the globe who share a common set of interests or a shared profession, such as software developers, Uber drivers, or military veterans.

Keeping with that broader definition of community, some possible topics are as follows.

Improving some aspect of education in your community, either at the K–12 level or in colleges

Addressing a local environmental problem, such as water pollution, hurricane preparedness, or forest fire mitigation

Improving the relationship between law enforcement officials and local residents

Dealing with problems of substance abuse and addiction

Reducing crime and improving safety in your area

Confronting an issue affecting workers in your profession, such as low wages or lack of job security

Attracting and supporting new businesses in your community

Providing affordable housing in your city or region to reduce homelessness

Promoting good corporate citizenship in your city or region

You've probably noticed that each topic focuses on issues at the community level and avoids overly broad topics that are hard to grapple with (e.g., climate change, racism, or war) in the approximately 1,500-word essay you will be writing. That is intentional. We all interact with diverse communities at home, work, school, or cultural institutions, and each has important issues needing attention. Of course, there are many other possible topics than those listed in the previous section. If you have an idea for an essay topic that is not on the bulleted list, please check with your instructor to make sure it is appropriate. In addition, watch for feedback from your instructor and fellow students as you share your essay topic in the Week 3 Discussion, and refine it as needed.

Basic Essay Requirements

Length: Your paper should be at least 1,500 words.

Sources: At least five high-quality sources must be cited in text in your essay. At least one of those sources must be one year old or less.

Format: This essay will be written in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Over the years, there has been a discussion regarding crime rates in some parts of the U.S.A. and the world. The main reason for an increase in the conversation is because the rates of crime rates have been increasing tremendously despite the government and various private groups collaborating in employing measures to control them. Even though the crime rates have been increasing in approximately all parts of the U.S.A., some states have had higher crime rates than others. One of the areas that have been having high crime rates is Louisiana. This instance has shocked many people since the government has collaborated with the relevant groups to bring sanity and security to the region. It is, therefore, critical to understand the main causes of an increase in crime rates in the region to know the right measures that can be employed to control it. Louisiana has had high crime rates due to high unemployment, inheritance of violence, many guns, and many blacks, causing increased crime rates. The instances of crime rates can be reduced by creating employment opportunities, imprisoning criminals, collaborating with the community to attain sanity in the region, improving hefty measures to reclaim guns, and employing measures to fight racism.
Over the years, Louisiana has been the leading city having high crime rates. This instance is evident since it has the highest incarceration rates. For instance, the incarceration rate in this state is 589 for every 100,000 people. This number is extremely high considering that the incarceration rate in the U.S.A. is 500 people for the same number. Furthermore, the number of people serving life sentences is approximately twice that of those in the neighboring states. Furthermore, the current number of people who are in prison has approximately doubled within thirty years. This instance is surprising since the state has been trying to employ various measures which could help to reduce the crimes in the region.
One of the reasons that have caused high crime rates is the high poverty level. For instance, Louisiana is ranked among the poorest states in the U.S.A (Dyer, 2019). For example, Louisiana has been ranked in the bottom five states, with the highest poverty level 37 times in the last 40 years (Asher et al., 2021). In this ranking, the state has been ranked the last or second last 19 times within the same period. For example, in 2019, only Mississippi was highlighted above Louisiana in terms of having high poverty levels. Different research proves a high relationship between poverty and crime rates. For instance, most poor people do not have a daily income that they can use to cater to their basic needs. Therefore, most people engage in crime rates to get finances that will help them cater to their daily needs. In other instances, the poor people blame the rich for their misfortunes. There have been instances where the poor people believe they are poor because the rich people took all the possession that was supposed to belong to them. Therefore, some poor people commit crimes to reclaim some goods from the rich.
The other reason that has caused an increase in crime rates in Louisiana is the inheritance of violence. In most instances, most children learn different behaviors from their parents. Similar to this case, most generations learned violence from their previous generations. For instance, the research shows that Louisiana was one of the states that had high corruption and crime rates in the United States. For instance, most of the enslaved people who were working in the sugar plantations were working in poor conditions than most of the people who were working in cotton in different regions in the South. Furthermore, before the Civil war, the state was composed of duels. Street fights, feuds, whiskey brawls, and other outbursts of violence. Furthermore, the period of Reconstruction post the Civil war was highly brutal. There are some instances where the instance which happened in 1873 is referred to as the massacre in Colfax, La, since it is one of the worst racial violence ever. This instance was serious since it claimed the lives of more than 150 blacks while others were left injured. These instances of violence in the city have been passed from one generation to the other, and most people believe that the best way they can attain justice is through violence and engaging in criminal activities.
The other reason Louisiana has more crimes is that the region has more guns. In most instances, most criminal activities are conducted through firearms. For instance, the highest number of murders are currently conducted through firearms. For instance, there is a high rate of use of firearms to conduct murder since in 2019, the number of murders conducted through firearms is 84% in Louisiana compared to 74% of cases conducted in the country. Furthermore, the state has been recorded to have the highest murder rates within the last 31 years consistently. This state is also proven to have the highest case of firearms that are traced, proving that it is one of the states with the highest cases of firearms in the country. One of the reasons that worsening the condition is these guns are not acquired legally. For instance, their research shows that Lo...
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