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HLS 6070 DF5 Comments Writing Assignment on Satellite

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these 2 postings as if you were talking in my voice, do not lose the name above each post. 100 words and 3 sources each
Daniel Divincenzo 
MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a a sensor that monitors the Earth’s atmosphere, land and ocean. It is currently affiliated with two NASA satellites in orbit since 1999, and 2002 respectively. MODIS data is collected twice daily, one during the day, the other at night.
AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) is another sensor aboard satellites. AVHRR has equator crossing times at 730 and 1930 local solar time.
GOES (Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite system) is a weather tracking system that uses geosynchronous satellites.
According to MODIS, there are fires active within the past 6 hours outside Fresno California. The fires are numerous and spread out across the surrounding area.
However using AVHRR it indicates there are not fires within the last 6, 12, and 24 hours.
The website i used was activefiremaps.fs.fed.us
The two sensors, AVHRR and MODIS may collect data at different times during the day which can account for the discrepancies between whether or not there currently a fire in Fresno.
Kenny Lazo Lovato 
The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is a sensor used to collect thermal data onboard several National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) Platforms. The sensor can be used to identify fire locations by detecting pixels that meet specific temperature thresholds with algorithms in specified thermal bands to can determine hot spots and fires. Images are provided at the 1.1.km spatial resolution and can be obtained by inexpensive means or at no cost. AVHRR can be useful in analyzing fire trends over time; examining general locations of fires; providing early detection of fires; determining areas of risk for future fire. The downsides to the sensor include its false detections of fires due to thermal specifications, the lack of accuracy, and its ability to be obstructed by smoke or clouds. 
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor is aboard the NASA EOS Terra and Aqua satellites. The sensor is specifically designed for fire detection and characterization and has improved thermal sensor capabilities. Unlike the AVHRR the spatial resolution is higher, and the information is available to users in near-real time due to the numerous receiving stations located throughout the world and the frequent satellite visits. It also has higher spatial resolution and improved thermal detection bands. However, like the AVHRR, smoke or clouds can also obstruct the images.
Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite System (GOES) are satellites used by meteorologists to track cloud patterns to aid in their forecasts. They include bands just below the 4 and 11 bands that allow for the detection and characterization of thermal features, including fire detection. They can complete full acquisition within their view area from 15 minutes to 3 hours because of their high temporal frequencies. However, they have poor spatial resolution and a low sensitivity to high temperatures. 
California fires are a common occurrence. Today alone, there were two reported fires to the USDA fire detection map. One fire occurred in Fresno and another occurred in Monterey County. Both were successfully contained.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Daniel Divincenzo
As indicated in the post by Daniel Divincenzo, since 1999 MODIS, has been orbiting and transmitting data twice a day; that is during day and during night ("MODIS Web", 2016). The post also rightly points that the AVHRR is another sensor aboard the satellites. The GOES as indicated, righty in the post is one used to track the weather, using the Geosynchronous satellites ("National Weather Service", 2016). Using both the MODIA and AVHARR, it is possible to establish when and where a fire started such as in the forest, where the source of the fire can be hard to determine (San FraFrancisco State University, 2016). As such, the two sensors can be used to collect data at different times of the day or night after which the disparity can be compared for a comprehensive approach on the issue at hand such as forest fires.
Kenny Lazo Lovato
In the post, Lovato points to some crucial elements that are not mentioned in the post by Divincenzo. In this case, Lovato indicates in the post that the AVHRR is used in the process of providing thermal data ("NOAA AVHRR - Earth Online - ESA", 2016). It is commonly used in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite Platfo...
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