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Briefing Paper Assignment: Briefing on Mauricio Macri

Essay Instructions:

Dear Junior Analyst,
The minister will be taking another trip soon. He will be meeting with the following person and would like a leadership profile on this individual. You will use the Hermann leadership profile that is used in the Gorener and Ucal article. You will classify your leader into one of Hermann's eight categories. You will need to apply the brief Hermann explanation to your particular leader--help the minister understand what to expect given your analysis. Your analysis will help the minister communicate more effectively with this leader. 
Your subject for analysis is: Mauricio Macri
Please include only the following information in the top left corner: Briefing paper Number (1, 2, or 3); Your Student ID; and Title (keep the title to less than one line of text). Include the word “Rewrite” after the briefing paper number when appropriate. For example: 
Briefing Paper 2 Rewrite 
Kiribati’s Kitchen Cabinet Considers Compromise (the alliteration is optional though much appreciated)
Briefing papers are limited to two pages (with no separate bibliography or title page). All briefing papers are single-spaced with twelve-point Times New Roman font; at approximately two cm top, bottom, left, and right margins; and double-spaced between paragraphs. Please bold-face what you consider to be the thesis of your briefing paper and the topic sentence of each paragraph. If you fail to follow this format, the assignment guidelines, or the footnote guide, the penalty is 30 points. You can find a sample Briefing Paper on elearn (Look for Sample Briefing Paper). 
Please cite using footnotes according to the University of Chicago-Turabian style sheet using numbered footnotes. You may use ten-point Times New Roman font for your footnotes. For our purposes, you do not need to include a bibliography; your footnotes will suffice. 
Briefing papers must be in proper English. Briefing papers will be allowed three mistakes in the areas of spelling, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, malapropisms, and capitalization. If you repeat the same mistake, each instance counts toward the three mistakes rule. The fourth mistake will result in a penalty of 30 points. Consistency is the goal. I recommend using either the Guardian or the Economist style guides (both are online) for UK conventions and, reluctantly, the AP style guide for US conventions. Choose one and stick with it. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Briefing paper number
Student ID
Briefing on Mauricio Macri
Leaders have some outstanding characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the population. This is to mean that, for one to be a leader, there are some unique elements that are indicative in their character pointing to their skills. While there is a debate on whether leaders are born or they are nurtured, there are some eight traits of character that determine the leadership qualities of a person. Developed by Hermann, there is a leadership style profile that can be used in the evaluation of a leader relative to their skills and the approach to leadership. This is in consideration to the fact that different leaders have different approaches to the way that they give guidance to their followers. This paper addresses the character traits of the Argentinian President, Mauricio Macri. This is a leader that has over the years exhibited the ability to believe in controlling the situations that he faces. He has always demonstrated the trait associated with a belief that one can control what happens and has influence over much of the aspects that they face. As a President, this is a person that is always positive about their experiences. As such, he can be considered to be one of the most opportunistic leaders, with a positive approach towards the challenges that he faces. This is the first trait of the set of eight proposed by Hermann, in the leadership style profile.[Jonathan Gilbert, "Argentina’S New Reform-Minded President Is Facing His First Big Test", Fortune, last modified 2016, accessed October 20, 2016, http://fortune.com/2016/06/01/argentina-President-mauricio-macri-reforms/.]
Thesis statement: when evaluated against Hermann leadership traits, the argentine president, Mauricio Macri, is seen to believe in controlling what happens.
Argentina, for more than a decade has been struggling financially and the President has had an uphill task of trying to revive the economy. Following the formal censure from the International Monetary Fund issued in the year, 2013, the country has constantly towed the struggles. This means that most of the major sectors of the economy were now experiencing some rather irrational developments. In the agricultural sector, the farmers were stockpiling their produce especially in the case of grains and soya beans. The element of under investments, has also further plunged the country into a financial crisis. This further affected the energy sector to the blink of collapse, which has also had massive impacts on the rest of the manufacturing industry, circling back the effects to the economy.[Ignacio de los Reyes, "Change Ahead: Mauricio Macri's Vision For Argentina - BBC News", BBC News, last modified 2015, accessed October 20, 2016, /news/world-latin-america-34899223.]
Given his character as someone that believes in having control and adopting a positive attitude towards the challenges that he faces, he applied the same to the situation in Argentina from his first weeks in office. Taking on a bold approach, the President implemented the overhaul of the National Statistics Institute, eased on the currency controls and reduced the exports tariffs on the agricultural goods. This is an aspect that directly relates to the fact that, he is a leader that believes in working through his challenges and finding solutions regardless of the complexity of the problem. Given that the country has been in a financial crisis for more than ten years, he still believes that he has control over what direction the country takes. Relative to the attitude that he holds as a leader, he was able to get the country’s debt defaulters to sigh off a deal worth more than $9 billion. Given the approach that he has maintained in his lea...
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