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HLS 6080 DF5 Comments Assignment on Continuity Plan

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these 2 postings as if you were talking in my voice, do not lose the name above each post. 100 words and 3 sources each
Domenico Cianchetti 
Subject: Department of Defense Continuity Operations Plan
Addressed To: Secretary Ashton B. Carter
Secretary Carter,
As a result of 9/11 the Federal Government has decided to implement the National Continuity Policy. This policy has a mission to make sure agencies within the Federal Government continue to operate when hit with a catastrophic event. It is without doubt that as continue into the 21st century the United States is at the front line in facing new threats with both natural and man made disasters. The Department of Defense is vital to the safety of our homeland and needs to be on tops of its game ready to implement their Continuity Operations Plan. 
My main mission is to help shape and construct an effective operations plan for your agency. To better assist you and others in the Department of Defense I will breakdown my plan into four parts. Within the National Continuity Policy this is known as the four key pillars. However, before we define the four key pillars lets look at the ultimate main mission. 
Main Mission: "The national depends on our defense installations and facilities being in the right place, the the right time, with the right qualities and capacities to protect our national resources" (DOD). 
1. Plan and Procedures
When the National Continuity Policy was drafted it focused on two key terms. (1) Mission Essential Functions: These are vital services your organization would offer during normal operations. (2) Primary Essential Functions: This recognizes your Missions Essential Functions operate under federal guidelines with the National Continuity Policy. Now the Department of Defense has multiple military agencies under its umbrella. One thing that should be noted that an effective operations plan would take each military agency and draft up their own Mission Essential Functions as if they are a separate entity. 
Part of an plan and procedures plan comes with an organizational chart that list out all its staff listing her or his title, responsibilities, and successor in the event tragedy strikes. Communications procedures should also be identified along with listing primary and secondary location sites individuals are to report to in times of a catastrophic event. This will help protect vital resources (personnel and equipment). The goal is to make sure each organization and agency has the ability to recover and continue full operation efforts. 
2. Test, Training, & Exercise
As with any plan, agencies should practice different scenarios. This will help make sure the plan is still effective and are still up to date by Federal guidelines. It will all reassure that all staff are familiarized with the plan and are ready to roll it out in the event of a real scenario. (https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=yp-jYMRez_U) This video shows the example of how training will better an individual to operate the plan and procedure. Which will ultimately help with quality and overall it is rolled out correctly. With our plan we will test communication, everyones role and responsibilities in times of an event, and go over all objectives of the continuity operation. 
3. Evaluations and Assessment
If you watched the video link of the officer in training you will have saw that he had a fellow officer who over saw the practice operation. This gives the agency a chance to receive feedback with their efforts to meet all continuity requirements. The Department of Homeland Security issues all procedures for the evaluations and assessment practices. It is also a requirement that agencies provide a readiness status report through FEMA's Readiness Reporting System. This tool helps the Federal executive branch to keep track of an agencies capability to operate. 
4. Corrective Action Program
Last but not least is a the Corrective Action Program. This program handles the logistics of operations such as establishing adequate funding with the Officer of Management and Budget (OBM), key leaders and staff are provided annual training with Primary Mission Essential Functions and Mission Essential Functions, and help identify gaps where improvements need to be made to the plan. From here it will be up to the Department of Homeland Security will determine with the most correction actions need to be made. 
In closing, this is just the overall view of what it will take to build an effective Continuity and Operations Plan. I am looking forward to being in further contact with you as we build this plan for the Department of Defense and each military agency that falls under its umbrella. If you have any questions please do not be afraid to contact me. 
Dom Bianchetti
Timothy Morway 
To: US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz
Subject: Continuity of Operations Plan Development
Good Afternoon Mr. Secretary,
In accordance with the National Continuity Policy (NSPD-51), the Department of Energy is required to plan for continuing essential functions during and after any emergency. As your Continuity Coordinator, I will be creating the Continuity of Operations Plan for the Department of Energy and I would like to give you a quick overview of how the plan will operate. Called the Continuity Program Management Cycle, it is an ongoing process that will be used to continuously evaluate and improve our ability to perform our most vital tasks.
Plans and Procedures – This step is the formulation of the plan. It includes:
Identifying required functions
Providing for the “four pillars” of continuity capability (Leadership, Staff, Facilities, and Communications)
Recovery considerations
Identification of requirements and notification procedures
Test, Training, & Exercise – This step validates the plan and familiarizes personnel with its’ execution. It includes:
Identifying expectations and coordinating and de-conflicting requirements
Identifying performance criteria
Establishment of annual training and identification of best practices
Testing communication systems
Exercising the plan, testing notification procedures, and providing input regarding corrective actions
Evaluations, After Action Reports, and Lessons Learned – This step assesses the effectiveness of the training programs. It includes:
Annual assessment reports
A consolidated assessment report following an interagency exercise
Continuous readiness reporting provided to FEMA
Develop Corrective Action Plans – This step fixes issues identified during tests through the use of a Corrective Action Program. It includes:
Identification of deficiencies and directs their improvement
Identifying funding requirements and proper acquisition processes
Satisfying personnel shortages
As I said, this is an ongoing process that will ensure that our Continuity of Operations Plan is effective in the event of an emergency. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Continuity Plan
Continuity Plan
Domenico Cianchetti
Reading through the post by Domenico Cianchetti, there is quite appealing professionalism to the arrangement of ideas. The paper takes on a very clean and precise approach to the development of the ideas, mimicking the processes of a continuity plan (Emergency Management Agency, 2016). It is easy to follow the ideas spread out in the paper, from the mission statement, plan and procedure, test, training and exercise, evaluation and assessment, corrective action program and even the conclusion (FEMA, 2016). From the plan and procedure section, Domenico, points to the MEFs and the PEFs and how they can be integrated in case of an emergency (Department of Homeland Security, 2016). The plans also include an organizational structure and the various responsibilities that can are to be assumed by the various persons along with the replacement of the personnel, should anything happen to them ("Responding to National Crisis", 2016). At the same time, the post also cites the need for proper communication procedures and channels during an emergency to enhance the quality of operations ("Responding to a crisis", 2016). Under the training section, the post rightly indicates the need and even the procedure for getting personnel to understand the various aspects of the operati...
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