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HLS 6010 DF4: Globalization and Religious Nationalism

Essay Instructions:

instructions please answer this question essay format:
Examine the interactions around the role of globalization and religious Nationalism. Specifically, how do they interact? Does this interaction increase or decrease the terrorist threat we face now and in the future?
(provide 3 sources)
Examine the interactions around the role of globalization and religious Nationalism. Specifically, how do they interact? Does this interaction increase or decrease the terrorist threat we face now and in the future?
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Kevin Boyle 
Discussion 4
Bernstein’s (2016) primary argument in this article is that globalization is a phenomenon that cannot be stopped, but it can be managed in order to provide benefits to many people. In terms of the current U.S. president election race, Trump is attempting to convince voters that he can restrain globalization; while Clinton is trying to reshape globalization in a manner that will benefit the American people (Bernstein, 2016). While Bernstein (2016) mainly focuses his article on economics and trade, he writes, “globalization is more than just trade. It’s immigration flows, financial flows, cultural flows, geopolitics, which these days, includes terrorism, and basically, the idea that nations are increasingly involved with each other across many dimensions of life” (Bernstein, 2016). There are positives to globalization (cheap consumer goods, affordable loans, cultural exchange), but there are also negatives (trade deficits, volatile financial markets, xenophobia).
Trump is channeling voters’ fears about globalization, but it is too large and complex for him to stop or control. Bernstein (2016) notes that Clinton also wants to reshape globalization, and argues that certain aspects of globalization such as trade, immigration, financial integration are not inherently positive or negative, rather they need to be administered properly. A number of recommendations are made by Bernstein (2016) to fix the economic aspects of globalization. Some of these include reducing trade deficits, eliminating currency manipulation, international taxation, and new economic opportunities for the unemployed and under-employed (Bernstein, 2016). The author concludes the article by implying that the Republican Party is only offering “a false sense of nostalgia”, while the Democratic Party is finally realizing it cannot fix economic problems with empty trade pacts, and hopefully will offer voters more concrete solutions.

I chose this article because it highlights some of the same arguments made by Catarina Kinnvall in her work, “Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security”. Kinnvall (2004) identifies many of the same negative consequences of globalization such as unemployment, forced migration, and capitalist development. These factors and others have destabilized the economic health of the middle class, causing increased social tension (Kinnvall, 2004). Globalization has eliminated or diminished older structures and institutions, causing disintegration and uncertainty. Kinnvall (2004) later defines ontological security as “a security of being, a sense of confidence and trust that the world is what it appears to be.” While Bernstein (2016) does not use this term directly in his article, he calls it a “current, anxious moment” and employs various “us versus them” analogies, noting “tensions are increasingly evident in national politics”. Bernstein (2016) believes that the American people currently feel very insecure and lack trust and confidence in their future.

According to Trump, America must return to a time before the perceived damages caused by globalization (Bernstein, 2016). Bernstein (2016) also mentions Trump’s xenophobia when it comes to immigration, but argues that academic research indicates that immigration has not hurt nations nearly as much as imbalanced trade has. After reviewing Kinnvall’s (2004) assertions, one could believe that Trump has zeroed on America’s ontological insecurity and used it as one of his primary political platforms. Kinnvall’s (2004) states that ontological insecurity can lead to increased nationalism, providing a “home” against “intruders” or “outsiders”. Trump has focused on this concept with his slogan “Make America Great Again” and isolationist positions on trade, immigration, and strong rhetoric for crime and terrorism. According to Kinvall (2004), nationalism is a powerful identity signifier and conveys unity, security, and inclusiveness in times of crisis, which Trump is utilizing to gather support for his political candidacy. As Bernstein concludes, it is time for leaders to tackle globalization head on to alleviate the fears and problems of the American people.

Reference List

Bernstein, J. (2016, July 26). Globalization: Restrained or reshaped. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www(dot)washingtonpost(dot)com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/26/globalization-restrained-or-reshaped/

Kinnvall, C. (2004). Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security. Political Psychology, 25: 741–767. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9221.2004.00396.x

1 day ago Elizabeth Fatolitis 

Discussion Four


This week I chose an article titled “Europe’s Migrant Crisis Explained by Economic Globalization, Smuggling People is Just Another Business”. The article paints the terrifying reality a lot of people who try to flee war-torn countries face. Pictures of a dead boy washing up on a shore, hundreds of people drowning while trying to cross the sea, and people rotting in a truck. “What we’re seeing in Europe isn’t diabolical evil. It is what happens when human beings are treated like illicit cargo.” The article also states that “the flood of migrants into Europe is just another stage of economic globalization”. The smugglers are just like travel agents. They book the trip and depending on the money spent you could be accommodated properly or crammed into the bottom of a boat. The author goes on to offer steps to alleviate globalization. Step one is to reduce immigration to European countries by making life in the countries people are fleeing more bearable. Step two is to shrink the supply of goodies migrants can expect on arrival. Step Three is to open the market’s choke points. Many of the people who die on the way to or from Europe aren’t economic migrants. They’re political refugees. They ought to be able to travel in broad daylight, not in the backs of trucks or in overloaded dinghies at night.

I chose this article because it shows the dark side of economic globalization. Kinnvall states that “a globalized world is for many a world devoid of certainty, of knowing what tomorrow holds (p. 742)”. Globalization makes the gap between the individuals who benefit from it and the people who don’t grow larger. This article helps show how people are falling through the cracks, and in some cases dying.

Kinnvall, C. (2004). Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security. Political Psychology, 25(5), 741-767. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9221.2004.00396.x

Saletan, W. (2015). How Globalization Explains the Horrors of Europe’s Migrant Crisis. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from http://www(dot)slate(dot)com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2015/09/europe_s_migrant_crisis_is_explained_by_economic_globalization_smuggling.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Globalization and Religious Nationalism
Globalization and religious Nationalism
Globalization comes along with politics, religion, and economic improvements. The combination of all has contributed to the uncertainties of origin and identity constructions. People try to draw to circles that will ensure reaffirmation of their origins. That is why religious nationalism has gained fame by people as a response (Kinvall, 2004). People think that if they stick to the two, they will reaffirm their origins and manage the problems of insecurity. For globalization and religious nationalism, they have a coarse interaction that increases global terrorism.
Globalization is one of the cases of spreading terrorist threats. Assassins had moved around the world in the same process of migration. Upon the realization that people had misused the concept, the aspect of national identity was introduced. People linked particular citizens to terrorist activities. A societal cleansing exercise started to ensure that individuals who are in their countries had no ill motives nor engage in any terrorist activities (Mark, 2007). The same have increased up to now, and countries are taking measures to make it difficult for people from specific regions to get into their lands.
Converse to this measure by countries, people with ill intentions hide behind religious groups that are associated with terrorism. Some shift as a total cover up of their plans. The essence of religious and nationalism will be misused to hide ill motives. Terrorist activities will in turn increase from the unsuspected sects and nations (Peter, 2003). In the case where a group, say X, is associated with terrorism, the assassins can shift to group Y that is deemed safe for the same. People can also shift their natio...
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